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06/06/2010 22:29
06/06/2010 22:29

I was reading some of the literature and came across statement on bottom of page 635 (http://www.dupuytren-online.de/downloads/luck.pdf) stating the finding of this condition in some patients but related it due to anxiety. I have had this condition all my life, my parents told me i was the only baby the doctor had seen with athletes foot. My hands and feet are cold and clammy most of the time, and perspire for no reason. I suffer from generalized anxiety which does make the condition worse. Just thought is was intersting to read.
Also, i happen to look at my mothers hands the other day because she said she has rhuematoid arthritis. I happen to notice she has a small nodule on her right hand palm. I didnt say anything but was wondering if she may have a little dupuytrens. Wondering if these two sometimes go together?

generalized   patients   literature   rhuematoid   athletes   Hyperhydrosis   statement   dupuytrens   together   anxiety   finding   downloads   sometimes   wondering   intersting   arthritis   perspire   condition   dupuytren-online   anything