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Information for " beforehand "Victoria /Australia. |
02/07/2009 06:02
02/07/2009 06:02

Information for " beforehand "Victoria /Australia.
Australia Calling Hi beforehand,who posted on my Guest Book for information re Surgeon in Victoria. All of my surgery was in Adelaide,South Australia.I would suggest having a look at the Forum- post Dupuytren/ on pages 3/4 [Australian NA Progress and NA Experience by Australian Users.] Dr Hunter-Smith is a hand surgeon listed on the Society web page. You might Google -Hand Surgery Australia/Dr.Gerard Sormann Caulfield North (03)9576 2000 particularly mentions Dupuytren and that he performs Needle Fasciotomy. I will try to make contact to have him list . Hope this helps. Regards
Edited 02/07/09 08:09
Hunter-Smith Australia Caulfield Regards contact performs Australian Victoria Information Adelaide [Australian Progress Dupuytren Surgeon mentions particularly surgery beforehand Experience Fasciotomy