Is NA the same everywhere? |
04/28/2008 10:21
Dan215not registered
04/28/2008 10:21
Dan215not registered
Is NA the same everywhere?
I had one more question to add to the one I just sent in. Is NA done the same way everywhere? Are the cords completely cut through? Thanks. Dan215
04/28/2008 10:43
Wolfgangnot registered
04/28/2008 10:43
Wolfgangnot registered
Re: Is NA the same everywhere?
Is NA the same everywhere?
basically, yes. In detail: some doctors are using thicker needles which might increase the danger of damage.
Is there a difference between US and France? Most doctors in the US learned NA in Paris. Dr. Lermusiaux probbably has the most years of experience, being one of the "inventors" of NA. But in the mean time doctors like Charles Eaton, who started NA in the US, and Keith Denkler have lots of experience, too.
Is the cord cut completely? The normal process is to weaken the cord by stitching it with a needle and then tearing&breaking it mechanically. Sometimes that doesn't work out and the cord is just elongated to achieve a straight finger. That will likely result in earlier recurrence. But usually the cord is broken completely.
04/29/2008 13:34
Dan215not registered
04/29/2008 13:34
Dan215not registered
Re: Is NA the same everywhere?
Wolfgang--thank you for your explanation. I have another question you or others may be able to answer. If the cord is completely cut through with NA, what are the mechanics of recurrence? Does the cord somehow reattach itself? Does another cord develop? What usually happens.
Also, on one of the doctor's websites he mentions that the cord is "lengthened and allowed to heal in a lengthened state"--something like that--however the picture shows the cord being cut through--it left a question.
Thank you.
04/29/2008 17:45
04/29/2008 17:45
Re: Is NA the same everywhere?
NA can "cut" through the cord or is can be used to just weaken the top layers and then the cord can be manually snapped. NA tends to break up the cord into multiple segments, rather than "lengthening" the cord.