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ive had it all my life (australia)
06/01/2010 12:40
06/01/2010 12:40
ive had it all my life (australia)

I'm looking for help i have had Dupuytren's contracture since 2 weeks old i am now 16 , the doctors are getting to the stage that it is to hard to operate on, in the last surgery they removed some tendons from around the fingers because they were wasted and i have never been able to work on any of the muscles in the forearm due to the amount of contracture in the hand. I am wanting to try and get this sorted out before the start of year 12 because it will be a very busy time. it is not only me that has it in the family it is starting to appear in my grandparents at the age of 65.

if anyone has information that maybe able to help it will be very appreciated,


06/01/2010 12:57
06/01/2010 12:57
Re: ive had it all my life (australia)

Sorry I have no answers. I have had this for over a year but was just told what it is. You are so young, hang in there there must be some answers. I am lucky this only hit me at 58.
Keep a positive attitude and remember to laugh every day.
All the best

starting   thankyou   operate   positive   contracture   because   doctors   appreciated   looking   Dupuytren   grandparents   answers   australia   getting   wanting   attitude   surgery   removed   remember   information