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Just got back from Dr. Eaton in Fla
06/06/2010 15:27

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06/06/2010 15:27

not registered

Just got back from Dr. Eaton in Fla

Wanted to report how easy it was to undergo NA with Dr. Charlie Eaton in Jupiter - into office at 2, out at 3:15 with straight fingers - no pain, really only mild discomfort - I had 3 fingers involved, the worst was a 30 degree bend so I was only Stage One - now hand is perfect - recovery is quick and a snap - highly recommend him and the NA procedure - Jack

06/06/2010 16:53

not registered

06/06/2010 16:53

not registered

Re: Just got back from Dr. Eaton in Fla

Dr. Eaton performed my n.a. 19 months ago..pinkie 90 + degree bend.pip joint.
Still flat as a board... I just hope he never retires !!
He will be the only person touching my hand and fingers ..

06/06/2010 19:34
06/06/2010 19:34
Re: Just got back from Dr. Eaton in Fla

I agree, Dr. Eaton is wonderful. I had a 90 degree PIP small finger contracture, plus a boutonierre problem on the DIP joint of same finger. (a boutonierre is where the last joint is bending upwards...my finger looked like the letter Z). The finger was stuck in that position for about four years and I didn't expect a complete correction after NA, I was actually told that 50% correction was the best I could expect because of the boutonierre condition and length of time the finger had been in that position.

My NA with Dr. Eaton was in March. The PIP joint is at about 15 degrees and the DIP joint is straight. I regained complete movement in the PIP joint, but not in the DIP joint. Still....I am very happy with the results.

I wouldn't hesitate re-doing the NA (this was the second NA on same finger)...and would not hesitate to fly to Florida to have it done with Dr. Eaton....he is great !!!

Edited 06/06/10 22:36

wonderful   hesitate   recovery   fingers   complete   straight   actually   correction   position   performed   condition   regained   procedure   re-doing   touching   boutonierre   recommend   discomfort   movement   contracture