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Know of any good doctors around the Kansas City area?
02/14/2014 14:18
02/14/2014 14:18
Know of any good doctors around the Kansas City area?

I am 30. About 2 years ago I hurt both of my hands boxing. They eventually formed hard lumps on the palms of both hands. I figured they would eventually go away. They seem to be getting bigger. One hand seems to be getting 2 pits. I am also in quite a bit of pain. To the point I can't sleep at night and it really hurts to type. I have contacted several doctors, but the only options they are giving me are surgery or Xiaflex. I do not want to have surgery, and my insurance will not cover Xiaflex this early. I am mostly interested in trying radiation. I've called several hospitals and cannot locate a doctor around my area who is willing to treat with radiation. Does anyone know of someone in Kansas or Missouri?
What is the best procedure to have the lumps removed? They feel as hard as bone. Thanks

hospitals   Missouri   doctors   someone   options   interested   eventually   several   removed   figured   procedure   Xiaflex   contacted   radiation   getting   willing   insurance   surgery