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Knucke Pads without Dupuytrens?
09/12/2009 14:44
09/12/2009 14:44
Knucke Pads without Dupuytrens?

I have Dupuytren's on both hands, Ledderhose on one foot and one Knuckle Pad on one PIP joint...Has anyone heard of someone having Knuckle Pads on all PIP joints without having Dupuytren's?

A friend of mine has them and has terrible pain...Any suggestions for her?

09/15/2009 14:48
09/15/2009 14:48
Re: Knucke Pads without Dupuytrens?


I have knuckle pads on all of the PIP joints on my left hand. They are painful and cause stiffness but I do not have DC. When I had one of the pads biopsied however, the pathology report read "abnormal tissue consistent with Dupuytren's". The first hand specialist I saw back in 2006 told me that he considers knuckle pads to be "part of the Dupuytren's progression" and this biopsy, performed just this year, seems to support his conclusion. The dermatologist who performed the biopsy also agreed with the hand specialist.

For this reason, I get frustrated with the commonly used term "Dupuytren's Contracture" or DC. I prefer to see this nasty condition referred to as "Dupuytren's Disease" or DD since there are many of us who suffer greatly from it but do not exhibit contracture.

09/15/2009 23:29
09/15/2009 23:29
Re: Knucke Pads without Dupuytrens?

Thank you for your reply...Are you doing something for the knuckle pads to help alleviate the pain?

This friend of mine who has them has tried VALERIEN cream and it helps her a little...when I mentioned to her that knuckle pads are related to Dupuytrens and Ledderhose , she also realized that she has a lump on the bottom of one foot, but never knew these two diseases were connected.

Luba M.

09/16/2009 17:07
09/16/2009 17:07
Re: Knucke Pads without Dupuytrens?

I get cortisone injections periodically to alleviate the stiffness and I stretch the pads every morning under hot water by forcing my left hand into into tight fist. After the pads and joints are stretched, I run them under cold water. Creams and ointments do nothing for me but the cortisone injections work well. Cortisone doesn't work for everyone however...

04/26/2021 20:53
04/26/2021 20:53
Re: Knucke Pads without Dupuytrens?

I am new to all this but this sounds like maybe its what I have. My middle finger is not bent but it won't line up with the rest. Its tight on both sides of finger. The middle knuckle hurts the most or if I try to grip. The pad is very ?swollen? And you can see the cord right below it and below surgery for trigger finger. Until I get to a new Dr. I have been using heat then penetrex cream (helps me alot) messaging the cord especially where my finger connects to the hand and up my finger and knuckles. Then I do exercises then again message. This seems to really loosen up my hand and finger. Hope this is some help

05/06/2021 22:41
05/06/2021 22:41

Re: Knucke Pads without Dupuytrens?

I am new to all this but this sounds like maybe its what I have. My middle finger is not bent but it won't line up with the rest. Its tight on both sides of finger. The middle knuckle hurts the most or if I try to grip. The pad is very ?swollen? And you can see the cord right below it and below surgery for trigger finger. Until I get to a new Dr. I have been using heat then penetrex cream (helps me alot) messaging the cord especially where my finger connects to the hand and up my finger and knuckles. Then I do exercises then again message. This seems to really loosen up my hand and finger. Hope this is some help

Dear Client / Forum Member "Dbb"

It appears to be important for you to be examined by a hand specialist, specialized Orthopedic physician or an experienced radiation oncologist as radiotherapy may be a noninvasive option, although it is less successful for "Knuckle Pads" ( also named Garrods Disease) than with Dupuytren or Ledderhose Disease -

Not knowing where you live and what is the local status (missing photographs) and what is the full history and background of your condition (see attached questionnaire) l could offer you a consultation and advice from a radiotherapy perspective.

Prof. Dr. med. M. Heinrich Seegenschmiedt / E-mail: prof.seegenschmiedt@gmail.com

With gratitude for all affected patients & medical colleagues who help to advance patient care ...

+Dupuytren - Basic Data - Form_08-2020_English.pdf +Dupuytren - Basic Data - Form_08-2020_English.pdf (1x)

Mime-Type: application/pdf, 370 kB

dermatologist   Dupuytrens   Dupuytren   cortisone   Knuckle   questionnaire   periodically   without   specialist   progression   noninvasive   Ledderhose   radiotherapy   Contracture   suggestions   experienced   photographs   consultation   Seegenschmiedt   specialized