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knuckle pad and acupuncture
05/02/2008 21:16
05/02/2008 21:16
knuckle pad and acupuncture

I've been lurking for a while but was inspired by jim's poetic reply to the concerned knitter.

I'm 33 and was recently diagnosed following a growing knuckle pad that started in Jan of last year. I live in the UK and my GP initially told me it was a ganglion. My gut told me it wasn't, especially since I also have nodules on the soles of my feet as does my mother, whose DC started only ten years ago. I am obviously concerned about the early onset and have been researching the condition like crazy.

I also began rowing a few months after the knuckle pad first appeared, so I know the DC is not due to it. However I'm sure the rowing hasn't helped, and it looks like I may have to give up. The LD showed up while I was training for a marathon. Again, I'm certain these activities merely triggered the progression of DC rather than caused it.

I saw a hand surgeon a month ago who suggested surgery, of course. My knuckle is quite inflammed and the finger is stiff, making it uncomfortable for me to type. From what I've read it seems that knuckle pads are quite rare, so I'd be interested to hear if any of you started out with them. At present I only feel a funny strain in the palm of my hand, though this could be due to the rowing.

Since reading about the musician who had success with acupuncture, I've made an appointment for my first session next week. I'll report back. I've also made a note about Dr Goode's secretary in Poole and will talk to my GP about going down this route, although my mother is yet to be convinced.

Many thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences. It was comforting to find you all.

05/06/2008 11:42
05/06/2008 11:42
Re: knuckle pad and acupuncture

Am I all alone with my knuckle pad?!

This morning I had my first acupuncture treatment. I was very skeptical going in, and as expected the therapist had never seen nor heard about DC. Too soon to tell what acupuncture will do, and I've already read some negative reviews about going down this route. However the interesting thing to me is that the therapist, who is also trained in traditional Chinese medicine, also did some moxibustion on my nodes (both feet and knuckle):


She gave me the stick to burn at home, and hey, I'll try anything! Will let you all know how it goes.

05/14/2008 16:31
05/14/2008 16:31
Re: knuckle pad and acupuncture

no pixi you,r not alone. I have knuckle pads two. They leave my fingers a little stiff and tender if I bang them but so Far I haven't done anything about it. It's not bad enough to consider steroid injections and I think that's my only option right now.


05/14/2008 17:01
05/14/2008 17:01
Re: knuckle pad and acupuncture

Thanks, Colleen. I can't imagine the discomfort in banging them. Mine make it uncomfortable to just type.
I noticed in another post that you've had radiation. Did this to anything to your pads?

05/14/2008 17:02
05/14/2008 17:02
Re: knuckle pad and acupuncture

Thanks, Colleen. I can't imagine the discomfort in banging them. Mine make it uncomfortable to just type.
I noticed in another post that you've had radiation. Did this to anything to your pads?

05/15/2008 16:54
05/15/2008 16:54
Re: knuckle pad and acupuncture

No it didn't. The radiation was to my palms and soles and the penitration is very superficial. Noe of it would have reached the back of my hand.

05/16/2008 01:02
05/16/2008 01:02
Re: knuckle pad and acupuncture

pixi, I have knuckle pads on every finger. It does seem like when they first develop, there's some soreness and stiffness - this has been called the "inflammatory phase". But that goes away in time, and mine have actually been slowly shrinking for several years. They cause me no problems at all.

05/16/2008 06:52
05/16/2008 06:52
Re: knuckle pad and acupuncture

Iss, I'm considering radiation myself and just assumed they would also target the knuckles. Have you noticed a change in the rate of growth of the pads since radiation? Once you get one pad, are you doomed to have them on every knuckle?

Good to hear it, Jim. I've had the one pad since January of last year, and it feels like I am always in the inflammation phase. What a strange condition this is.

05/16/2008 17:23
05/16/2008 17:23
Re: knuckle pad and acupuncture

No your not doomed to get them on every knuckle. I have two and they have been stable for 2-3 years.

05/16/2008 18:17
05/16/2008 18:17
Re: knuckle pad and acupuncture

Can someone point me to a picture of knuckle pads? I know I have DD but not exactly sure what knuckle pads look like.

concerned   experiences   traditional   moxibustion   inflammation   uncomfortable   anything   progression   researching   therapist   acupuncture   considering   knuckle   radiation   appointment   inflammatory   superficial   penitration   interesting   discomfort