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KNUCKLE PADS -Indication of Morbus Ledderhose.
01/13/2008 00:05
01/13/2008 00:05

KNUCKLE PADS -Indication of Morbus Ledderhose.

Australia Calling. I have recently read from Prof. Seegenschmied't book "...knuckle pads occur in up to 42 % of patients with ML. With regard to the age at disease onset, ML. starts somewhat earlier than MD in the 3rd to 4th decade." I would like to report my experience as my case was different. Some 30 yr ago at 35 yrs of age I was diagnosed with MD. My first surgery was at age 50 yr. and the period leading up to surgery I developed knuckle pads on the little finger of each hand. As time went on with more surgery I developed more pads and the others grew in size.My surgeon informed me that knuckle pads were an indication of having the disease in an aggressive form and I should prepare myself for surgery for the remainder of my life. He has been correct. However I had no sign of ML. until 5 yrs ago when a lump in the instep developed. I visited the surgeon who advised to "Wait and See." Unfortunately the lump grew and a cord also developed/. The good news is that 6 months ago I found the Dupuytren Society and found out about Radiotherapy. I had my first treatment and after 3 months I had a 50% reduction in the cord and nodule. I had treatment on both feet as they found ML in the other foot.
About 3 week have elapsed since my 2nd treatment and the nodule has gone. I would urge any of those with knuckle pads to check your feet for good measures.

12/02/2008 09:21
12/02/2008 09:21
Re: KNUCKLE PADS -Indication of Morbus Ledderhose.

Obviously I'm a newby to this forum (sent answer without any content!).

FYI I'm 57, and first got Ledderhose in left foot about 10y (very successful surgery), knuckle pads around 14y (unsuccessful surgery) , Ledderhose in right foot about 24y (unsuccessful surgery), and only now getting DD in right hand (looking rather aggressive now). Plus frozen shoulders, and a hint of peyronie's. Since the unsuccessful surgery (came back, plus a lot of scarring) on my right foot I have kept well clear of the medical profession.

My mother had pads and they declined in older age. Similarly, mine have diminished considerably in the last 15 years, although I still can't clench my fists (the reverse of classic DD!.

So for me the pads have not really been of any concern. My feet I have had to manage by cutting holes in insoles to make shoes more comfortable - really have managed much better than one might imagine from the description.

So the pads are an indication? It seems, as I'm sure you know, that having one makes it more likely that you will have another. But has to whether it is predictive for any one individual - well that seems more difficult to know.

Because my hand is looking worrying, I am now considering the need for some intervention. I wonder if you have any information on radiation treatment in Melbourne?



12/02/2008 09:54
12/02/2008 09:54

Re: KNUCKLE PADS -Indication of Morbus Ledderhose.

Australia Calling-Adelaide. Hi Chris
In March this year I contacted Dr 'greg wheeler' at Peter Mac Hospitalin Melbourne. (This hospital is a well known Cancer Treating Hospital. )Greg has treated one patient for Dupuytrens. I sent him the protocal used by Prof Seegenschmiedt. In April 08 he indicated he was interested to treat patients. This is a Government Hospital so I believe it would be covered by Medicare. (ie bulk bill no cost.)I believe that they have an Orthovoltage machine which are low dose machines and very manouverable. His email is greg.wheeler@petermac.org
My intention was to see whether he would list on the Dupuytren web site. Prompt him if you make contact and mention my name. Just a point radiotherapy is best in the early stages before any contraction. (hands)However with morbus ledderhose, Dr Borg in Adelaide advised he has had good results with large cords in the feet.RegardsHope this of help. PS.Keep us posted.

surgery   unsuccessful   indication   Seegenschmiedt   Calling-Adelaide   manouverable   Unfortunately   considerably   KNUCKLE   Radiotherapy   RegardsHope   developed   Orthovoltage   intervention   information   Seegenschmied   Ledderhose   aggressive   description   treatment