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Landed here ! Hopeless in Florida
06/02/2021 13:40
06/02/2021 13:40
Landed here ! Hopeless in Florida

So thankful to see someone is just as frustrated as I am! Well, maybe that came out wrong, sorry. But I am RIGHT with you! I came across the Society page and landed here!
I’m tired of self diagnosing myself and my surgeon acting like it is no big deal ! Well it IS TO ME! 🤫.
I am a waitress and have been the majority of my life. Slinging 30-50 lb Trays of food for 10 hours a shift is killer!
But I was initially having Carpel tunnel surgery and release my Trigger Thumb!
I wish I would have let it be! The surgery I guess went fine but when I went in the next day, and especially the next week! He was SHOCKED at how bruised my hand was. But just told me to squeeze and open my hand all day everyday for the rest of my life i think🙄

Fast forward as my surgery was last year September 16, I’m not healed! I cannot work! I can barely carry a gallon of milk!
In January, I don’t know what I did while sleeping..I woke up and I could not MOVE my entire right arm. My neck was pinched at the base of my shoulders, my pointer,ring and pinky were completely Tingling numb! (I must say , I do have bone spurs on my neck and pretty much my whole back.
And my hand is still messed up so I go see him... in March... he tells me HIS portion of the job was completed with no issues but as far as the arthritis, he referred me to a hand specialist! I am pretty sure that happened to dodge a lawsuit!
He ordered an EMG, X-rays and a MRI. This was March 3rd,21.... when exiting the appointment I was told that I needed to be seen in 2 weeks for the results. I was given PREGNIZONE TO whit is in my chart that I am allergic too!
Only for the front office to inform me that he will be on spring break and return ON APRIL 3rd! Wha????

I haven’t went back because I am going elsewhere! But 2 days ago! I woke up and my palm was killing me... bad nodes!
I am so disgusted with this surgery and surgeon! I’m at my Whitt’s end!

I read your story and was following every sentence out loud with “yep!”, “same here I said to myself” !

Wishing you recovery at 150% from Indiana/Florida ...

06/02/2021 16:28


06/02/2021 16:28


Re: Landed here ! Hopeless in Florida

So thankful to see someone is just as frustrated as I am! Well, maybe that came out wrong, sorry. But I am RIGHT with you! I came across the Society page and landed here!
I’m tired of self diagnosing myself and my surgeon acting like it is no big deal ! Well it IS TO ME! 🤫.
I am a waitress and have been the majority of my life. Slinging 30-50 lb Trays of food for 10 hours a shift is killer!
But I was initially having Carpel tunnel surgery and release my Trigger Thumb!
I wish I would have let it be! The surgery I guess went fine but when I went in the next day, and especially the next week! He was SHOCKED at how bruised my hand was. But just told me to squeeze and open my hand all day everyday for the rest of my life i think🙄

Fast forward as my surgery was last year September 16, I’m not healed! I cannot work! I can barely carry a gallon of milk!
In January, I don’t know what I did while sleeping..I woke up and I could not MOVE my entire right arm. My neck was pinched at the base of my shoulders, my pointer,ring and pinky were completely Tingling numb! (I must say , I do have bone spurs on my neck and pretty much my whole back.
And my hand is still messed up so I go see him... in March... he tells me HIS portion of the job was completed with no issues but as far as the arthritis, he referred me to a hand specialist! I am pretty sure that happened to dodge a lawsuit!
He ordered an EMG, X-rays and a MRI. This was March 3rd,21.... when exiting the appointment I was told that I needed to be seen in 2 weeks for the results. I was given PREGNIZONE TO whit is in my chart that I am allergic too!
Only for the front office to inform me that he will be on spring break and return ON APRIL 3rd! Wha????

I haven’t went back because I am going elsewhere! But 2 days ago! I woke up and my palm was killing me... bad nodes!
I am so disgusted with this surgery and surgeon! I’m at my Whitt’s end!

I read your story and was following every sentence out loud with “yep!”, “same here I said to myself” !

Wishing you recovery at 150% from Indiana/Florida ...
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shoulders   think🙄   specialist   diagnosing   initially   completely   completed   dupuytren-online   PREGNIZONE   Whitt’s   Deltadawn66   appointment   surgery   especially   arthritis   September   frustrated   disgusted   haven’t   elsewhere