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80% improvement from enzyme injections after 5 painful years of plantar fibroma
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09/12/2016 17:41
09/12/2016 17:41
80% improvement from enzyme injections after 5 painful years of plantar fibroma

I am writing this very long message because I want to describe my situation in detail in the hopes it may help others who are suffering from plantar fibroma.
Having tried many treatments as detailed below, I am finally very hopeful given the results that I have experienced from my enzyme injections from Dr. Davis. If you don’t have the time or inclination to read all of what I’ve written, my conclusion is that this is the only treatment that has unequivocally helped me and if you have not had any improvements from your current treatment, I urge you to consider contacting Dr. Ed Davis in San Antonio.
I have had plantar fibroma lesions since 2011. In 2011, I noticed a small pea sized lump in the arch of my left foot. After ignoring it for some time, I consulted an Ottawa (Canada) foot doctor when it started to grow who said I had plantar fibroma. It is not known what causes it, though heredity is believed to be a factor. I live in Canada which currently has no treatment for plantar fibroma. I did try one session of shock treatment which I was told might help, but that made the lesion more painful.
In doing researching on the internet, I came across PDlabs in Texas. I found a wonderful foot doctor in Toronto (Canada), Dr. Neil Naftolin who helped me by prescribing it and I started using their Transdermal Verapamil in April, 2012.
Their literature said it would take months to see any effect. Having no other alternative at the time, I religiously followed the schedule. About 6 months later, I felt a constant tingling sensation on the arch of my right foot. As I feared, about a month later, I could clearly see and feel another lesion on my right foot.
Both lesions continued to grow. I did stop the Verapamil to see if there would be any effect and when I found that I experienced more pain and the lesions appeared to harden, I went back onto their regime.
In 2013, I was starting to wake up in the night due to the pain from the lesions, especially from my right foot. It was painful to walk when I got up, though the pain would disappear as the day wore on. My right big toe was constantly numb and tingling.
My husband and I live a very active life, exercising vigorously daily and hiking and biking whenever our work allows. I could see that if the lesions continued to grow and harden, it would make doing the things I love impossible and negatively impact both of our lives very much.
Having searched the internet, I contacted Dr. Spilken in New Jersey in November, 2013 about cryosurgery for the lesions. He said he had had success, and so we drove there (>9 hours one way) and stayed for 3 nights. After 3 months there was no improvement that I could see.
In early 2014, in Canada, I contacted a Chinese herbal doctor who said he could help. He supplied me with a daily mixture of various dried herbs which I was to take. Although it might have improved other aspects of my health, like circulation and digestion like he suggested, it is hard to determine as I was having no known problems with either. I was told it would take a long time, more than a year given the size of the lesions, to see results on my feet. The herbs cost about $65 US a week. After my first injection in 2016, I stopped taking them after 2 years of no effect.
In February, 2014 I contacted Dr. Katz in Tampa and had cryosurgery with him. I had a second treatment by Dr. Katz in February, 2015. Both Dr. Spilken and Dr. Katz had said that it might take several cryosurgery treatments to be effective.
I give my opinion of cryosurgery at the bottom.
During much of 2015, my lesions remained static. I couldn’t say what was responsible for this, but I used the Verapamil and took my herbs every day without fail. I still had some pain in the mornings, but the pain during the day was negligible.
In early 2016, my lesions began to grow again. The pain in the night came back and getting out of bed in the mornings was particularly difficult. My right big toe and second toe started to give me more pain and tingling and my lesions began to hurt at a low level throughout the day.
I contacted Dr. Katz’s office twice via e-mail in the hopes of some other treatment. The first time, I was told that I would get a reply after Dr. Katz was consulted. After a month with no reply, I e-mailed again and never got a response.
Desperate, I did more research on the internet and came across Dr. Davis’ blog concerning his enzyme treatment. I contacted his office and was immediately impressed with the professionalism of his office staff. I was able to get an appointment within 2 weeks on March 30, 2016.


09/12/2016 17:43
09/12/2016 17:43
Re: 80% improvement from enzyme injections after 5 painful years of plantar fibroma

Dr. Davis is extremely knowledgeable and very patient oriented. His care extended to his recommending hotels close to his office and suggesting I stay over the day of the treatment – just in case the freezing made walking difficult. Dr. Davis told me that it would probably take 2 weeks to see any effects and would take at least 2 treatments, maybe 3 or 4 to be fully effective.
The treatment itself was virtually painless, especially compared to cryosurgery, and the post-op effects negligible. I did not have any pain during or after the treatment. The freezing of my feet wore off within a few hours. By all accounts I have a very high pain tolerance, so I can’t say if my results were normal, but given only an injection is involved, the pain must be far less than cryosurgery which is much more invasive and painful.
A week after the treatment, I thought I could see a change in the lesions, they appeared a little smaller and were softer. I was afraid this was just wishful thinking and did not want to get my or my husband’s hopes up. He has watched me with sympathy try all these treatments, rearranged his schedule for anything I needed, cheerfully made medical travel plans and never questioned any amount I spent as he is aware how important finding a solution is to me.
Two weeks after the treatment, I was quite sure the lesions were smaller and flatter. I also realized that I had not been awakened during the night from pain for a few nights. The pain from the lesions during the day had diminished and the pain and tingling in my right big toe was considerably decreased.
My injections were March 30, April 18, May 27 and my fourth will be October 4, 2016.
As of today, September 11, 2016, my lesions have shrunk by 80 – 85% on the left foot and 75 – 80% on the right. What lesions that are left on my feet are soft and flat. The pain is down to just occasional nuisance level and being awoken at night because of foot pain hasn’t occurred in many months. I don’t miss the immense frustration that came with the pain either.
I’m able to wear shoes I haven’t been able to wear in > 5 years. Nothing drastic, just 1 inch heels on a dress pump or sandals which I couldn’t even put on before, much less walk in.
I’m going back to San Antonio for my fourth shot. Because the lesion was around the nerves in my right foot, I am still having some numbness in my big toe and I’m more conscious of the lesion on that foot. I don’t expect to eliminate it completely, though Dr. Davis says that has happened in many of his patients, I’d just like to try to normalize my big toe if I can.
For anyone contemplating treatment, be aware that Dr. Davis says that it is critical that the second injection be within 2 to 4 weeks of the first. There is more leeway for the third injection – 3 to 6 weeks after the second. Make sure you don't start if you can't make this timing as you will lose ground if you wait too long in between. The timing of the fourth is not important and some patients with small lesions don’t even need it.
I can unequivocally say that the injections have made a huge difference in my life. I don’t know if it will work as well for anyone else, but I have tried so many things and none of them gave me any improvement, much less 75 – 80%.
If your life has been adversely affected by plantar fibroma like mine has been, I hope you will look into treatment with Dr. Davis.


Edited 09/12/16 20:53

09/12/2016 17:44
09/12/2016 17:44
Re: 80% improvement from enzyme injections after 5 painful years of plantar fibroma

“Regular” surgery for plantar fibroma is not recommended in Canada due to the difficult recovery and the high recurrence rate. Cryosurgery for plantar fibroma is not available in Canada at all. Dr. Naftolin had no opinion on it, but said that Dr. Katz had an excellent reputation in the field.
One of the problems with trying to determine the effectiveness of a treatment is the inability to know what would have happened without the treatment. I have had 3 cryosurgeries. I have not seen a noticeable improvement because of them, but I cannot say what condition I would be in if I had not had them.
What I can say is that the last treatment for both feet cost $5,000 US. The cryosurgery itself wasn’t super painful, but it was definitely an unpleasant experience for an hour or so. Although cryosurgery is much less invasive than regular surgery, there is a recovery period that lasts for weeks. I could not fly for 3 days due to the swelling and the need to see Dr. Katz for follow up, so my husband and I had to stay in a hotel in Tampa for those days both times.
For several weeks after both surgeries, Dr. Katz told me not to use my elliptical cross trainer which I normally use for at least 45 minutes every day. (I really missed it.) Although walking was relatively normal after about a week, the first few days were quite uncomfortable due to the swelling and the need for constant icing.
All of this would have been acceptable if I was sure there was some benefit. Perhaps there was some temporary improvement, but my lesions had become very painful again less than a year after the last cryosurgery.
My conclusion is that cryosurgery did not give me any benefit, but cost me considerably in time, money, pain and disappointment.
I so wish I had seen Dr. Davis before I wasted so much on cryosurgery which was useless to me.


09/12/2016 19:22


09/12/2016 19:22


Re: 80% improvement from enzyme injections after 5 painful years of plantar fibroma


Thanks for sharing. We have had other forum users try this, either with mixed results, or they have not reported back after several months. See http://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_E...on-1_274_1.html

I hope you will return in a few months, and report further or maintained improvement.

Best wishes SB

09/14/2016 07:08
09/14/2016 07:08
Re: 80% improvement from enzyme injections after 5 painful years of plantar fibroma

Thank you for your detailed story Ida......It s very pleasing that you have had such a great result.....Please keep us in the loop regarding any future developments....


09/29/2016 18:42
09/29/2016 18:42
Re: 80% improvement from enzyme injections after 5 painful years of plantar fibroma

Hi Ida,

Really appreciated your thorough and lengthy post! Just wish it could have been sent through the thread post that SB mentions above. Especially since it relates to Dr. Davis. Perhaps your follow up progress could be posted there too? That way others who have submitted posts on this subject, and Dr. Davis, will be notified of future posts and updates.

In reading through your journey I noticed that you do not mention having received RT for your LD at any time. Correct? I know when I sent several questions to Dr. Davis a couple of years ago (those questions and his responses can be found in the other thread) he mentioned at the time that only 2 out of 105 of his patients being treated with the enzyme injections had previously had RT.

He also stated at that time that he had about a 95% success rate.

So, I throw out some of my "just thinking out loud thoughts" to everyone. And, as we all know only time, along with those who follow up with future updates can tell us if the enzyme/H. injections might be the best and most successful first line of defense with LD fibromas, pain, etc.

I think in light of the fact that Dr. Davis has a 95% success rate predominately with patients who have not had RT explains why we seldom see much shared on this forum by treated patients. He is a podiatrist. Most likely people go to him not knowing what those awful growths in their feet are and what in the world to do about them. They are treated and that's that. Unless they have future problems or are searching for more information, like many people they never hear about RT.

I can't help but wonder if your present success, and his high success rate among others who did not have RT or RT first, is not a major contributing factor? This may lead us all to strongly consider the enzyme injections as our first line of defense for LD.

I also find it interesting that if Dr. Davis was not as successful as he claims, that perhaps we would see by now some of his patients posting their lack of success with the injections, now in search of other alternatives. Who knows?

Thanks again for your wonderful report! I hope you will keep us updated.


Edited 09/29/16 21:45

09/29/2016 19:12
09/29/2016 19:12
Re: 80% improvement from enzyme injections after 5 painful years of plantar fibroma

Good afternoon, Nan
I have not had radiation treatment (that's what RT refers to, right?). I tried the cryosurgery route as it was easier for me to schedule and radiation treatment sounded more potentially dangerous to me.
I'm sorry I didn't post on the previous thread, but frankly, I hadn't read it before and didn't think to search. If you think it would be helpful, either I or preferably the moderator could post a cross-reference?
I'm actually seeing Dr. Davis on Monday for my fourth injection and will post my results in a few months time.
I deliberately delayed writing until I was confident that the injections had helped me substantially. Knowing how much I (and my husband) suffered physically and mentally from dealing with plantar fibroma, I did not want to be premature in my conclusion that Dr. Davis' treatment had helped my condition a great deal.
Of course, no-one can predict the future, but even if it is temporary (which I certainly hope it is not), this is the only treatment that has given me any kind of relief.

Edited 09/29/16 22:15

09/29/2016 20:08
09/29/2016 20:08
Re: 80% improvement from enzyme injections after 5 painful years of plantar fibroma

Good afternoon, Nan
I have not had radiation treatment (that's what RT refers to, right?). I tried the cryosurgery route as it was easier for me to schedule and radiation treatment sounded more potentially dangerous to me.
I'm sorry I didn't post on the previous thread, but frankly, I hadn't read it before and didn't think to search. If you think it would be helpful, either I or preferably the moderator could post a cross-reference?
I'm actually seeing Dr. Davis on Monday for my fourth injection and will post my results in a few months time.
I deliberately delayed writing until I was confident that the injections had helped me substantially. Knowing how much I (and my husband) suffered physically and mentally from dealing with plantar fibroma, I did not want to be premature in my conclusion that Dr. Davis' treatment had helped my condition a great deal.
Of course, no-one can predict the future, but even if it is temporary (which I certainly hope it is not), this is the only treatment that has given me any kind of relief.

Hi there Ida, yes, RT refers to radiation treatment. I'm glad you did wait a bit before posting present results. Makes the injections sound even more hopeful. I think (not 100% sure) but you may be the first to post on injections as a patient who did not do RT first. I know I will be following you with great interest. I have yet to do anything with my fibromas in my feet...waiting and watching.

I'm very happy for you with your current results and relief. Hope it continues!

Thanks SB for the quick "cross-reference" of Ida's thread to the other one...much appreciated!


10/18/2016 23:51
10/18/2016 23:51
Re: completed 2 treatments with Dr Davis enzyme injections

I just returned yesterday from my second enzyme injection. After the first I noticed my feet felt better. The nodules softened. I have had RT on my left foot but not on my right. I will return in 3 weeks for the third treatment. I will continue to post as treatment progresses

10/19/2016 00:07
10/19/2016 00:07
Re: 80% improvement from enzyme injections after 5 painful years of plantar fibroma

I just returned yesterday from my second enzyme injection. After the first I noticed my feet felt better. The nodules softened. I have had RT on my left foot but not on my right. I will return in 3 weeks for the third treatment. I will continue to post as treatment progresses

Hope things continue to improve for you! May I ask did you have both feet treated? Look forward to reading how things go.

Oh, and can you share how large your fibromas are or were?


Edited 10/19/16 03:09

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