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Advice re orthotics?
12/27/2010 00:49
12/27/2010 00:49

Advice re orthotics?

Hi All
Has anyone had any success with orthotics and was there anything in particular that worked? My podiatrist has the latest hi-tech equipment and has carved holes into the places under my lumps, but the orthotics still bite into the area above my bilateral lumps and cause pain.


Edited 12/27/10 03:13

12/27/2010 17:28

not registered

12/27/2010 17:28

not registered

Re: Advice re orthotics?

My orthotics also hurt my feet, I have put the insole over them and that helps a little!
I play tennis and haven't stopped and hope I never have too.
What has helped me is the verapamil gel, when my lumps start flaring, burning, hurting, I use this and it has really helped me.
One lump is large on left foot with 2 small bumps, right foot has 2 small lumps, which are new so this verapamil seems to be helping so they don't get bigger? It doesn't work for everyone and it can be expensive. But we have a compounding pharmacy
So it's not that bad.
Good luck:)

12/27/2010 20:10
12/27/2010 20:10

Re: Advice re orthotics?

Hi Crano
Thanks for your response - it's so good to be able to share these experiences and not feel so isolated. Good to hear that people are finding a way to make the orthotics work and to stay physically active.

01/07/2011 03:35
01/07/2011 03:35

Re: Advice re orthotics?

Hi Di,

I had a terrible 6 months when I let a podiatrist talk me into putting a plasicote (sp?) covering over my perfectly good orthotics. That ruined them, made them too soft. With LD you don't want a too soft orthotic. Then I went back and sent me to another place that tried 2 different orthotics, I rejected the first but tried the second for a week and am still trying to recover from the damage.

The orthotic was too thin and it was flexible. You need a rigid ortotic for LD. He just poked finger size holes here and there for my forbromas and that did not work.

My feet went into spasm/cramp and the tendons flexed awfully causing new fibromas to pop out in just a matter of days and those that I had to enlarge. There was much pain and difficulty walking even with my Verapamil cream.

So for me the most important thing is a good orthotic.

At that point I choose to drive 2 hrs way back to my old podiatrist and get the same kind of orthotics I had before. They cost around $200 I think, he does not take credit cards

Don't know what I am going to do when these wear out because I have found a podiatrist I like but I doubt he uses the same place, maybe I can talk him into using the same place. I talked him into prescribing the Verapamin and he had never heard of it.

So maybe you have the wrong orthotics. And you have to wear them constantly. I have my shoes besides my bed so if I wake in the night I slip them on with the orthotics (no slippers for me). When I go to the symphony I use a pair of shoes designed for diabetics (even though I am not one but this is all my Dr will let me wear) and slip my orthotics in them.

Good luck.


01/08/2011 03:33
01/08/2011 03:33

Re: Advice re orthotics?

Hi Loonsong
Thanks for your reply. My goodness, it looks like I've got a long road ahead, but with your advice, perhaps I can get there a bit quicker than your long and winding journey

Would tell me more about your orthotics? The brand of material or anything like that? I think I read in another one of your posts that you have met supports? Could you expand on what these look like and what they do? I have a very supportive podiatrist who may help me to establish the right ingredients for success for my feet.

I definitely have the wrong orthotics, despite a well meaning and very caring podiatrist's best efforts. I had to take my orthotics out a few weeks ago as they cause more problems. I ended up in pain for 2 horrible weeks after wearing them constantly for a week. This pain included burning, nervy pain in the balls of my feet and pain in the nodules, all of which have subsided after a couple of weeks without orthotics and investing on some comfortable light-weight, soft-soled shoes. I still get a general all over sore foot feeling, which I would definitely rate outside the normal parameters, but I feel human again

I can't say for sure that this pain would not have happened anyway, but now after reading your experience, I wonder?

All the best

Edited 01/08/11 05:35

01/08/2011 04:12
01/08/2011 04:12

Re: Advice re orthotics?

Hi Di,

My experience now with 4 podiatrist now in the space of 3 years is they all have different ideas. You just have to find the one who has the ideas that match your feet.

My orthotics are made by Premier they say Solo and Maxi Shock on the green "leather like material". They are firm with impressions of my fibromas made at the time of the casting so the "dents" are placed at the right places.

The met bars are tricky for me too much and there is terrible pain. I have met bars built in but not so much that I can feel them overly so when I take a step that is the way it should be. In previous orthotics the met bars where to high and this was so painful.

Although plastizote feels good for a minute or so if you walk on it for a week you will have problems with your feet causing more problems.

My Dr makes what is called a slipper cast that hardens quite quickly and then sends the impression off to have the orthotic made, by Premier. They may be online but of course you would need a cast of your feet.

I hope you get everything resolved soon. You really need an orthotic.


01/08/2011 06:58
01/08/2011 06:58

Re: Advice re orthotics?

Hi Loonsong
I agree I need orthotics - I'll face up to the task as soon as I get a chance
Take care!

constantly   plastizote   verapamil   comfortable   definitely   experiences   compounding   impressions   particular   parameters   Loonsong   prescribing   ingredients   different   everything   experience   orthotics   light-weight   podiatrist   orthotic