comfort walking immediately after RT for feet |
09/21/2015 02:49
09/21/2015 02:49
comfort walking immediately after RT for feet
When walking a lot, is there much discomfort during the first week after a week-long course of RT?
I had RT on a hand three years ago, and it was sort of like a mild sunburn, and it was not really uncomfortable. Now I'm likely to have my first experience with feet soon, and I'm wondering what it will be like if I travel and walk a lot, starting two days after the first week ends.
Edited 09/21/15 05:52
09/21/2015 05:58
spanishbuddha Administrator
09/21/2015 05:58
spanishbuddha Administrator
Re: comfort walking immediately after RT for feet
I can't answer from personal experience, but a couple of people have posted on here their experience of walking a lot immediately after RT on the feet . As I recall one walked a lot visiting sites in Hamburg the the week of RT, and her feet got quite red and inflamed before settling down. The other went on a walking holiday, but in this case I don't recall the outcome.
When I had RT for the hands, the advice was no manual labour or weights and such for a few weeks. Tennis and piano was OK though. My hands had the mild sunburn, but were also quite tender for a while after; if it been my feet I don't think I would have wanted to walk a lot.
10/09/2015 14:01
10/09/2015 14:01
Re: comfort walking immediately after RT for feet
Hi John,
I completed my first week of RT on one foot last Friday. Felt nothing more than regular minor LD-based discomfort (similar to what I feel on the other non-treated LD foot), although I didn't walk more than half a mile or so at a time. I am feeling nothing unusual this week as well.
Good luck!
10/13/2015 23:22
10/13/2015 23:22
Re: comfort walking immediately after RT for feet
I just had my second of seven radiation treatments on both feet and one hand (At the Colorado University Health Center in Denver) and my left foot is a bit tender at this point, but nothing I can't live with. That particular nodule was tender anyway, especially first thing in the morning. I will repost after the treatments are complete.