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Curious about the affect of strong foot vibration on Ledderhose Disease
05/20/2016 00:29
05/20/2016 00:29
Curious about the affect of strong foot vibration on Ledderhose Disease

I posted a similar post back in 2013 in regards to using a professional, high-end calf and foot massager on my feet to ease the foot tension and pain associated with my Ledderhose Disease. Back then, I opted to take the safer route and not use the massager on my feet. I've knowingly had the disease for over 10 years now, and it has progressively worsened. The nodules are fairly large, and it has significantly tightened my planter fascia, but most of the time it is not painful. It was painful at first, when the nodules were smaller...I'm pretty sure there was nerve involvement, but over time it subsided. I am fairly active, and I play tennis about 3 - 5 days a week using prescribed, custom foot orthotics. I have high arches, and I believe the nodules are less painful than they could be because they are filling in the high arch area. Lately, I've began using the foot massager on my feet when they are especially tight, achy and sore...and it really seems to help, both in the moment, and even the next day. My concern is that the vibration may be accelerating the nodule growth and disease progression. I just don't know.

Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks for any feedback!

05/20/2016 02:33
05/20/2016 02:33

Re: Curious about the affect of strong foot vibration on Ledderhose Disease

Tenderfoot, I have LD in both feet and have been dealing with it for more than 40 years. I am very active and make no allowance for the LD.

As I have said many times on this forum I used to get blisters on the LD lumps where they would rub in my shoes. It also used to be painful when I first started walking in the morning and each time I started running. I think this pain was caused by the LD lumps displacing nerves and tendons or forcing them to stretch.

My view is, and always has been, to ignore it and push on. After a run I would pop the blisters in the arches of my feet and rub them with methylated spirits. Over time the skin toughened and the pain went away. I now have no problems with the lumps in the arches of my feet although I do have a new growth forming behind the toes of one foot and that is causing a problems with cramping caused by restricted movement. Once again I am just pushing through.

Over the years I have always worked with heavy weights in the gym, in my twenties I also played field hockey and squash. These days I go to the gym most days, I play tennis 3 days a week and I do a bit of cycling.

None of these activities seem to have contributed to the growth of the LD nodules. There has been no growth in the nodules in the arches of my feet for at least 20 years. So my strong view is don't stop doing anything. Just push through and let the tendons in your feet adjust. I don't think the activity will trigger LD growth.

05/23/2016 21:09
05/23/2016 21:09
Re: Curious about the affect of strong foot vibration on Ledderhose Disease

Thanks Seth for your reply,
It is very encouraging to hear your experience. To date I have pretty much ignored my Ledderhose with the belief that I should do what I want to do today, because tomorrow is uncertain. Good or bad, most of my activity to date is foot dependent. I started tap dancing when I was 3, continued dancing in various forms and became professional at age 18, then replaced dancing with Tae Kwon Do, a very foot/kicking oriented martial art. After about 35+ years of martial arts, I have switched to tennis about 4 - 6 times a week, and hiking on my off days. I've been wondering if I was making the right choice, or accelerating my condition to the point of incapacitation. I'm with you, so long as I can be active, I will choose to do so...and take what tomorrow has to bring. That being said, I'm 54 years old, and I sure hope I can run and play with my grandkids when that day comes.

progression   nodules   Ledderhose   contributed   vibration   significantly   experience   especially   prescribed   progressively   incapacitation   methylated   professional   massager   displacing   encouraging   associated   Disease   involvement   accelerating