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Does anyone get severe leg and foot cramps?
09/11/2013 12:09
09/11/2013 12:09
Does anyone get severe leg and foot cramps?

I have multiple fibromas in the arch of my right foot (2 visible, some not visible) and none in my left foot. For years, even a few years before my first fibroma was discovered, I have experienced sudden cramps in one foot or the other that sometimes spread to my legs. About 85% of the time, it is in the foot with the visible fibromas. They only happen in the evenings, and sometimes they wake me up in the middle of the night.

They make my toes want to curl, and I have to grab them and bend them backward when I feel the cramp coming on. Occasionally, that makes it go away. If they get worse, the only thing that helps is extreme heat, but I can't walk so someone has to help or I have to crawl to the bathroom and get in the shower. (I keep a heating pad near my bed, but when the cramps are severe, it takes too long to heat up.)

Some triggers are high heels (I gave up wearing them), a lot of driving in start and stop traffic, walking a lot, standing barefoot on cold floors, dehydration, and airplanes (due to dehydration according to my doctor). The airplane cramps are usually in my shins, though, not my feet.

Although the cramps started years before I was diabetic, they definitely happen more when my blood sugar is uncontrolled, so I had assumed it might be a diabetic thing, but after reading the forum, I am wondering if the cramps could result from Lederhose disease.

I also get the weird episodes of burning tingling feet some had described, which I had assumed was neuropathy but am now wondering if it might be the Lederhose. Or maybe my diabetes and Lederhose are working together somehow, given that the disease is more common in diabetics. I found that ibuprofen makes the burning/tingling in my feet go away (it feels like an icy burning, if that makes sense).

Does anyone else have sudden foot/leg cramps and, if so, do you also have diabetes or is it definitely the Lederhose? How do you manage it? Is there anything one can take that would prevent it? I have had it happen while driving at night, and have had to pull over!

09/11/2013 18:40


09/11/2013 18:40


Re: Does anyone get severe leg and foot cramps?

I don't have Ledderhose but used to have a weird problem of cramps in the sole of one foot, that would come on without warning. Possibly I had an injury, but since I started wearing proper footwear, with good support, cushioning and sometimes orthotics, the problem has gone. Just like I take great effort to protect my hands, I now do the same with my feet. I am male, but I would say as a female to hell with fashion shoes and high heels, and who cares what other people think (easy for me to say ).

09/11/2013 21:16
09/11/2013 21:16

Re: Does anyone get severe leg and foot cramps?

YES!!! Me too.
I constantly have severe cramps. Triggers are as little as... Bicycling... Stretching.. Walking.... I have different cramps at the same time. It definitively started with LD.
Just last night I woke up in the night with cramps in the toes of the two feet, in the arch on the left foot, and as i was trying to stretch to have them go away, it started it the leg.
Interesting that you relate it to diabetes. I somehow think that all this is related, sugar level, liver, metabolism of calcium, etc. Also, it could be that as the fibrosis expands and glues the tissues together, the foot and toes have less flexibility and range of motion to do what they used to do. Just this might trigger cramps I guess.

09/12/2013 17:25
09/12/2013 17:25
Re: Does anyone get severe leg and foot cramps?

I don't have Ledderhose but used to have a weird problem of cramps in the sole of one foot, that would come on without warning. Possibly I had an injury, but since I started wearing proper footwear, with good support, cushioning and sometimes orthotics, the problem has gone. Just like I take great effort to protect my hands, I now do the same with my feet. I am male, but I would say as a female to hell with fashion shoes and high heels, and who cares what other people think (easy for me to say ).

I quit wearing heels when I developed diabetes and bought some diabetic shoes. They are not as ugly as I thought they looked online, and they are pretty comfortable. For a while, I thought I would need orthotics because I developed a new lump right near the ball of my big toe, but then it went away and the others shrank a little.

When I was working in New York City and had to walk down some broken escalators several times a week in this one building, the bumps started growing; I think it was because the edge of the step pressed right in that area.

What do you do to protect your hands? My hand issues are just starting to become worse. I switched to a Kindle a long time ago because my fingers felt too stiff to hold thick books, but I still type a lot every day. Do you think that could make the problem worse?

09/12/2013 17:32
09/12/2013 17:32
Re: Does anyone get severe leg and foot cramps?

YES!!! Me too.
I constantly have severe cramps. Triggers are as little as... Bicycling... Stretching.. Walking.... I have different cramps at the same time. It definitively started with LD.
Just last night I woke up in the night with cramps in the toes of the two feet, in the arch on the left foot, and as i was trying to stretch to have them go away, it started it the leg.
Interesting that you relate it to diabetes. I somehow think that all this is related, sugar level, liver, metabolism of calcium, etc. Also, it could be that as the fibrosis expands and glues the tissues together, the foot and toes have less flexibility and range of motion to do what they used to do. Just this might trigger cramps I guess.

The way you described how your cramps moved the other night sounds a lot like mine. I will put the hot pad on the cramping area, and as soon as that one gets better, the cramps start in the other foot or in the leg. The worst was when I had them in both legs at once and had only one hot pad! That was when I discovered the usefulness of the bath.

I think it is all related, too. Around the time all this started, I learned I had fibrocystic breasts. Then I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids. And if you feel my muscles, they feel all bumpy or "ropy" underneath (my boyfriend noticed it). It probably sounds crazy, but I keep wondering if somehow they are connected. It just seems like a lot of fibrous things going on!

If I am awake, I can usually feel the cramp coming on, and if I avoid moving my foot a certain way or rub the bumpy area (if it's in that foot) for a few minutes, sometimes it goes away without getting severe.

09/12/2013 18:49


09/12/2013 18:49


Re: Does anyone get severe leg and foot cramps?

How do you protect your hands: I wear gloves for many things I never used to, including tennis, gardening, holding and using most tools, driving, some kitchen activities, cycling and (light) weights. I also use aids for opening, gripping, turning things. I use special gloves for tennis, gardening, cycling and have nice selection of fingerless gloves for a lot of indoor use. I don't wear gloves for piano, not sure it's necessary and anyway it interferes. I don't have a problem typing but trained myself to be ambidextrous with the mouse. I use a stylus with my iPad, but really because I don't like the sticky grot from fingers. I also stopped some activities that put a strain on the hands, one obvious example is chin-ups and hanging by the hands (I used to hang to stretch my back - another story), a lot of DIY and 'heavy work' including plumbing. Other things too but you get the idea, it becomes a change to if, what and how you do a lot of things that many people thing nothing about.

09/12/2013 23:45
09/12/2013 23:45

Re: Does anyone get severe leg and foot cramps?

I too have cysts and fibroadenomas in the breasts.
I guess the moral is : take care of our feet just as much as we take care of our hands.
I love walking barefoot or in flip flops. I must adapt I guess.

09/13/2013 21:19
09/13/2013 21:19
Re: Does anyone get severe leg and foot cramps?

YES!!! Me too.
I constantly have severe cramps. Triggers are as little as... Bicycling... Stretching.. Walking.... I have different cramps at the same time. It definitively started with LD.
Just last night I woke up in the night with cramps in the toes of the two feet, in the arch on the left foot, and as i was trying to stretch to have them go away, it started it the leg.
Interesting that you relate it to diabetes. I somehow think that all this is related, sugar level, liver, metabolism of calcium, etc. Also, it could be that as the fibrosis expands and glues the tissues together, the foot and toes have less flexibility and range of motion to do what they used to do. Just this might trigger cramps I guess.

I can relate to this.....I have LD and DD both bilateral.....in both cases this was diagnosed 2 years ago....whether related or not I have major issues that come and go regarding soft tissues injuries in the joints .....this year alone the right knee locked out following a game of tennis......2 months later I lost half the movement in my left elbow after gardening....I now have some kind of injury in my right gluets that runs down to my ankle.....this kicked off after a mere walk.....

My theory is that these are connective tissue injuries and are related to LD....as a person who plays sport I have had more than a fair share of injuries in Recent years....what makes it more frustrating is that I m a stickler for warming up before exercise....I also found stretching seemed to actually stiffen my body ....I find that using Myofascial Release is a better method for warm ups.....there are many articles on YouTube that are useful to watch...


Edited 09/14/13 00:27

03/14/2017 15:37
03/14/2017 15:37
Re: Does anyone get severe leg and foot cramps?

I am not certain I have Ledderhosen but I certainly have Dupuytren. I left hand ring finger and a pronounced tendency to curve inward. Like my lest hand my right foot seems to be drawing my ofter toes inward. I too suffer from night time cramping in my right lower leg and foot. Sudden cramping events which cause me to catapult out of bed seeking relief. Like any cramp extending the muscle against the direction of the contraction is my only relief. Stretching my toes seems to delay the time of the events ones. Shins cramps (very painful and difficult to relax it)- lower leg, (calf to ankle) are large muscle contraction is easily identified and often delayed/ stopped if caught very early in contraction cycle or the foot. Which often accompanies the others, I believe 'pointing my toes' during sleep, due to the weight of the covers may exacerbate this 'curling of the toes' and is the initiator of all the cramping behaviors. Anyone experience similar things?

03/14/2017 16:55


03/14/2017 16:55


Re: Does anyone get severe leg and foot cramps?

I am not certain I have Ledderhosen but I certainly have Dupuytren. I left hand ring finger and a pronounced tendency to curve inward. Like my lest hand my right foot seems to be drawing my ofter toes inward. I too suffer from night time cramping in my right lower leg and foot. Sudden cramping events which cause me to catapult out of bed seeking relief. Like any cramp extending the muscle against the direction of the contraction is my only relief. Stretching my toes seems to delay the time of the events ones. Shins cramps (very painful and difficult to relax it)- lower leg, (calf to ankle) are large muscle contraction is easily identified and often delayed/ stopped if caught very early in contraction cycle or the foot. Which often accompanies the others, I believe 'pointing my toes' during sleep, due to the weight of the covers may exacerbate this 'curling of the toes' and is the initiator of all the cramping behaviors. Anyone experience similar things?
I wonder if a night boot, hard plastic shell, used to treat plantar fasciitis would help? I used to wear one for plantar fasciitis, like many splints you get used to it. They stretch out the sole of the foot. Can be purchased for less than £15 in the U.K. Do let us know. Sorry no refunds though.

diabetes   Stretching   Ledderhosen   sometimes   started   Lederhose   spanishbuddha   Vikingorigins   fibroadenomas   ambidextrous   Interesting   flexibility   uncontrolled   related   definitively   metabolism   problem   accompanies   cramping   contraction