Early Intervention |
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06/21/2010 16:50
John656not registered
06/21/2010 16:50
John656not registered
Re: Early Intervention
Dear DC sufferers. DC has been far from my mind for many years. About 10 years ago it developed in both hands. After the DC began my family decided to go vegan. Interestingly, the longer I was vegan the less noticeable the DC, and it actually appeared to subside somewhat. I seldom thought about it. My son also was vegan, and he went on to try a fruitarian diet. He couldn't make it work, and he had some serious problems with an eating disorder. His situation is complex, but he went from fruitarian to a nearly 100% meat diet. I also had some problems from fungal infection when I tried going to a mostly fruit diet. Bear with me on the evolution here. My son came to visit, and I thought I would try to go along with the high animal product diet. Unfortunately, I am now worried about DC and more importantly a new foot pain in both feet. Metatarsalgia would best describe the pain. No lumps as of now. I am a light weight triathlete although a little out of shape since I have been physically stressed the last 6 months building a new net zero home in Florida. Every morning I wake up with pain in my feet. As of yesterday, the animal products are out again, and I am onto a "McDougall" higher carb, starch and vegetable diet. I know so many people who have cured everything from cancer to heart disease with this diet and autoimmune conditions as well. See John McDougall on web. I don't know the answer, but I am returning to the basic vegan diet in hopes that I can halt any progression that I fear could be Ledderhose's Disease. How can it hurt. I still attribute the improvement in DC to the diet and cessation of any supplements. I wish you all the best of luck. Will let you know in a few weeks how it is working out. P.S. There is vague correlation of these foot symptoms and viral illnesses in the form of colds and flu. Notably when son came to visit he brought the worst flu I ever had. It took a month or more for symptoms to abate. FYI, I was a chronic carrier of HBV for 20 years. Supposedly my liver is fine, but I have some digestive problems as well and no gall bladder. I also stopped taking some digestive enzymes as part of my new regimen. Simplification is always helpful. Who knows if a poorly digested digestive enzyme could inflame certain tissues. I am not a big drug user, but interestingly it was when experimenting with another enzymatic product, Viagra, that the DC appeared. Since going vegan after that I found I didn't need Viagra anyway. Enzymes??? It appears direct injections of enzymes are a treatment for DC. Food for thought. Just for the record. Best, John
Edited 06/21/10 19:58
07/16/2010 15:06
John656not registered
07/16/2010 15:06
John656not registered
Re: Early Intervention
Follow up. 6 weeks of low fat vegan diet and no supplements went by, and I still have foot pain. So now, I am back to having a little meat and multivitamin. Notably, I don't really feel or see any lumps in the arch area as are portrayed in the photos on this site for LD, but it is possible there is a little scar tissue in a place on my feet that corresponds to the ring finger on the hand. The pain seems more to be right at the bottom of the metatarsal heads under the pad of the ball of foot. There appears to be a little swelling. Maybe, I am lucky this time and it won't be LD. I was only running once or twice a week and walking 5 or more miles a day (active dog and wife), but wife went running without me today and until pain subsides. I guess I will cycle. Wearing shoes definitely makes feet feel better. Anyone here recall the onset of LD? Pain? Swelling? If i press on my DC nodules they hurt a little in same way as areas in balls of feet.
Edited 07/16/10 18:10
11/01/2010 03:46
11/01/2010 03:46

Re: Early Intervention
Excrutiating pain like walking on sharp marbles that was what I had for about 2 yrs before my dx. There were hard marble like lumps running along the large tendon on bottom of foot in arch. That was a few years ago, my DD just developed this April. My diet is gluten and dairy free all natural and organic. I rarely eat out, maybe once every 6 months and try to find organic. I must eat meat my Dr says or I will die (his words). I don't seem to process and absorb well even with d. enzymes I get anemic eating meat every day. So I have to add iron to my diet plus the meat, I am finally not anemic. I geneally eat an egg a day (Dr said one a day is good) they are high is some good stuff for you like selenium and I have perfect high and low cholersterol numbers with no medications (I am 64 and female). The only thing that has helped me as earlier noted is the verapamil/lido cream and good orthodics from a podiatrist ($200 a pr but I think they are worth it). And NB walking shoes every time my feet hit the floor, no barefoot at all. I walk and practice T'ai Ji pain free now unless there is bad weather (low pressure etc.) I also have Fibromyalgia which is why they probably hurt during bad weather. If you haven't been to see a podiatrist yet, I would go. And try asking for the verapamil cream with lido if you have Ledderhose. You can go online and find places where it is recommended for ledderhose. You might just need orthotics with met bars it doesn't sound like ledderhose that much to me, but I am no Dr. Loonsong
Edited 11/01/10 05:51
11/04/2010 11:18
John656not registered
11/04/2010 11:18
John656not registered
Re: Early Intervention
I am so sorry to hear of your foot pain, Loonsong. It sounds like you are managing and functioning in spite of the problem so congratulations.
Following up from my post about 6 months ago. I do not believe that LD is the problem. No nodules have appeared. I still have some pain in feet when walking barefoot. Wearing shoes helps. The pain is a little worse the day after running, and I only run a couple of miles twice a week. I cycle and do mild strength training also a couple of times a week and swim if it is not too cold. Anyway, I tried adding the meat regularly to the diet to see if it would help. Instead, I actually felt my Dupuytren lesions were swelling and hurting more. I went back to a near vegan diet, and my hands look and feel better. Could be my imagination. I still have a little fluid filled area in my palm just below the middle finger. It looks like it is fluid backed up from the Dupuytren's lesion under the ring finger. I seem to recall hearing that something gets blocked there causing the fluid to build up. I often do a lot of manual labor or lift some weights. The puffy spot sometimes gets irritated if I am using a hand tool. I have wondered if something similar happens to the ball of foot with my current situation as it seems a little swollen at times too? Anybody have same puffiness around their lesions?
One last thing on the diet. If your doctor told you that you would die if you don't eat meat then I must disagree. Of course, you will follow the advice of your doctor, but there are many doctors who advise that the opposite is true. President Clinton is now learning that he is able to reverse his heart disease with a nearly 100% vegan diet. A vegan diet as advised by Dr. John McDougall saves lives and improves health. President Clinton was advised by Dr. Esselstyn of the Cleveland Clinic which is one of the most respected heart disease clinics in the world. Also, Dean Ornish, a well known diet researcher and author advises the same. I am not advising you on diet, but I just want to counter a common myth that going without eating animal products can be detrimental to health. President Clinton looks better than ever and is now about the weight he was in high school.
11/07/2010 02:09
11/07/2010 02:09

Re: Early Intervention
President Clinton does not have anemia and men naturally have higher iron levels in their blood and a higher hemotacrit and hemoglobin level. You can not compare me to a man with a heart problem I do not have a heart/cholestrerol problem. I have tried several times taking meat out of my diet and have become very ill, I will stick to my Dr's advice. It is very hard also to get enough B12 naturallly in your diet being a vegan. Everyone has their own opinion here as to what diet is helping them and that is good, trying to get someone to bend to our way of thinking is not. To each his own. I don't know what's wrong with your feet like I suggested you should go see a podiatrist. loonsong
Edited 11/07/10 04:10
11/07/2010 14:44
John656not registered
11/07/2010 14:44
John656not registered
Re: Early Intervention
Dr. Wach says there is no evidence that diet plays a role. He is correct, but as with most illnesses the study of the effects of diet are very incomplete. For the record, I am not a vegan. I have tried lots of meat, and little meat, no meat and don't know what to conclude except that in my case I am doing better in some ways without too much animal products. My Dupuytren's has done better without it, but that may be coincidental. Since the largest part of our exposure to the environment around us comes from what we eat we should naturally study diet more. So far, The China Study is the most comprehensive study of diet in human populations. The findings suggest that the less animal products and the more plant based foods in the diet the less degenerative disease. The conclusions could be wrong, but there is plenty of evidence to support the idea that a low fat plant based diet cures many modern illnesses. I won't apologize for disagreeing with the statement that a mostly plant based diet would be unhealthy. I could be wrong, but it is a valid hypothesis. What else is a forum good for if not to explore alternatives until we synthesize an answer that works. However, nobody would disagree that anybody who acts solely based on discussions on an internet forum could be careless and subject to making a serious error.
As I said I was not advising you to go against your doctor's advice. We are only looking for answers.
I am glad to report my foot pains have improved significantly in the last week or so. Not to draw any conclusions, but the animal products in my diet have been next to zero (not zero) for the last few weeks, but there may have been some changes in the composition of the diet and my activity that could be responsible too. You can take that anecdote for what it is worth. My experiment of dietary changes continues. The bottom line for me is I don't have LD which is just as Dr. Wach suspected.
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