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Fry or freeze?
11/14/2013 13:52
11/14/2013 13:52
Fry or freeze?

I have an appointment next week for a consultation with the "foot freezer" doctor in Livingston NJ. Last week, I had a consult with the radiation oncologist at Morristown Memorial Hospital to see if he would do RT (I would be his first foot - although he has done RT for Dups hands). After Monday's consult with the podiatrist, I guess I'll have to decide whether I want to fry or freeze the Ledderhose lumps!

I'll keep everyone posted.

BTW - has anyone else here had the cryo?


11/14/2013 23:33
11/14/2013 23:33
Re: Fry or freeze?

I have an appointment next week for a consultation with the "foot freezer" doctor in Livingston NJ. Last week, I had a consult with the radiation oncologist at Morristown Memorial Hospital to see if he would do RT (I would be his first foot - although he has done RT for Dups hands). After Monday's consult with the podiatrist, I guess I'll have to decide whether I want to fry or freeze the Ledderhose lumps!

I'll keep everyone posted.

BTW - has anyone else here had the cryo?


Good luck with the foot freezer........let us know how it goes...


11/15/2013 20:16
11/15/2013 20:16
Re: Fry or freeze?


I personally have not had cryo. But I have spoken about it with my podiatrist who has done this procedure for ledderhose. He told me from his experience on the few patients he has performed cryo on, that it did not make the bumps go away. What it did do, was deaden the surrounding nerves, so the bumps were no longer painful.

11/25/2013 17:07
11/25/2013 17:07
Re: Fry or freeze?

I've decided to have the cryo after the holidays. The doctor has done hundreds of them with good results, and wrote a chapter in Charlie Eaton's book about the procedure. I'll give it a try - and if it doesn't work, then my fallback position can be radiation.

I'll keep everyone posted!


12/02/2013 09:20
12/02/2013 09:20
Re: Fry or freeze?

I am interested in hearing more about the cryo, but I am concerned about missing my window with radiation, as my bumps are already medium sized. How did you decide which to do and what is your expectation? Would the cryo stop the progression, which is what we are hopeful for of course.

Best of luck,

12/02/2013 18:33
12/02/2013 18:33
Re: Fry or freeze?

Cryo scheduled for 12/13. Will keep everyone posted. The heel pain that I am experiencing right now is horrible, so I hope to alleviate that with the procedure.

Stay tuned.....


consultation   progression   oncologist   experiencing   consult   everyone   Morristown   surrounding   podiatrist   expectation   interested   experience   Ledderhose   Livingston   procedure   concerned   radiation   although   personally   appointment