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Has anyone had involvement in Lower leg and knee?
07/03/2012 13:54
07/03/2012 13:54
Has anyone had involvement in Lower leg and knee?

I have Ledderhose and Dupuytrens, and now have something like cords on the back of my leg from ankle to knee. I have a torn lateral meniscus, and wonder if the cord in my leg might be related to Ledderhose. So I wonder if anyone has had this experience. Diane

07/03/2012 14:54
07/03/2012 14:54

Re: Has anyone had involvement in Lower leg and knee?

I don't have that problem, but Prof. S told me that LD can trigger knee problems


07/04/2012 14:51
07/04/2012 14:51
Re: Has anyone had involvement in Lower leg and knee?

Thank you. I will have to look into this further before having surgery.

07/05/2012 07:06
07/05/2012 07:06
Re: Has anyone had involvement in Lower leg and knee?

I have Ledderhose and Dupuytrens, and now have something like cords on the back of my leg from ankle to knee. I have a torn lateral meniscus, and wonder if the cord in my leg might be related to Ledderhose. So I wonder if anyone has had this experience. Diane
Hi dmowens,

I am sorry to hear of your situation.....I have nt heard of dups or ML progessing like this.....I a m mindful however of a recent study on the NZ military that poor footwork through either disability or injury could cause a whole range of problems in other parts of the body.....it was thought that poor footwork ultimately lead to loading other parts of the body to compensate.....thus causing further injuries....

I have ML and believe that it may have played a major part in knee ligament problems......back problems and even shoulder problems......


07/27/2012 10:43
07/27/2012 10:43
Re: Has anyone had involvement in Lower leg and knee?

I too have LD as well as DD in both hands. I have read that Plantar Fibroma (Ledderhose) CAN effect the back of the knee. There have been cases of people developing nodules behind the knee (In the rear arch of the knee), due to Ledderhose. I have been researching this Disease extensively, and I have read (Don't remember the source off hand, sorry) where it "can" effect the knee as well. It didn't say anything about contracture though, but then again, I have read where ledderhose typically doesn't cause contracture like Dupuytren's does, for whatever reason. I would Google the question, regarding Ledderhose effecting the knee, and see if you can find something about it. I do remember reading about it myself, which frightened me as I too am at risk of this typically "Rare" problem being I have LD. I am going in for surgery to have my Plantar Fibroma removed, despite what is said about it. I have decided if it comes back more aggressive and/or worse, I am going to ask my Surgeon to amputate the foot. I have knee and hip problems, so I think I might be a good candidate for this possibly happening to me, therefore, losing the foot, might spare me of the chance. I have read too much about the ongoing suffering with these Diseases, as NOTHING seems to work long term. Being this is the case, I have decided to cut the foot off if it comes back, as well as a hand if I need to. I have researched Prosthetics available today, and I believe I would get along just fine, not to mention, I would be free of the Disease for LIFE!...It may seem extreme, but my father was a double amputee, and he got along in life just fine, we even went fishing every Saturday morning together. I have not read of ANYONE going this route, so I guess I will be the first, however, I am VERY serious about it. I do not want to chance having this Disease develope behind the knee, as they say can happen, which is a FACT! I hope this isn't what is happening to you. I will pray for you, and I wish you all the best, but please research it as I HAVE read about Ledderhose effecting the human knee of the same leg. I hope this helps, and best wishes, Metzie.

07/27/2012 22:23
07/27/2012 22:23
Re: Has anyone had involvement in Lower leg and knee?

Sorry to hear the news.Metzie do not cut off your foot -this stuff will not get that bad...

Edited 07/28/12 01:23

something   aggressive   experience   contracture   Dupuytrens   involvement   developing   problems   ultimately   researching   compensate   extensively   frightened   researched   effecting   Ledderhose   typically   happening   disability   Prosthetics