how did your feet feel before nodules? |
09/05/2014 20:11
09/05/2014 20:11
how did your feet feel before nodules?
I have very mild dups contracture in one of my hands. For those with Ledderhose my question is "How did your feet feel BEFORE you developed nodules and before the Ledderhose diagnosis"?
My feet hurt. I do not have any nodules on my feet, thankfully. For over a year my feet hurt when I walk and I cannot wear shoes because of the pain. Even house slippers hurt my feet. I went shopping last Friday and here one week later I am still barely able to walk.
The xray of my feet shows very mild arthritis 'bone spur like' areas. The doctor does not believe that would cause this severe foot pain.
I am worried that this bad pain is a sign of coming Ledderhose disease. Can you all help me?
09/06/2014 03:11
09/06/2014 03:11
Re: how did your feet feel before nodules?
Not sure about before, but when my nodules grow, it itches.
09/06/2014 08:41
09/06/2014 08:41

Re: how did your feet feel before nodules?
When you feel these symptoms that is an indicator that the ledderhose is growing. Have you eliminated "heel spur" which is very pain full and can also be treated with low dose radiotherapy.
Edited 09/06/14 11:41
09/06/2014 09:39
spanishbuddha  Administrator
09/06/2014 09:39
spanishbuddha  Administrator
Re: how did your feet feel before nodules?
Also have you eliminated plantar fasciitus, can also be very painful and severe case make walking tough. Can be treated with RT, or ultrasound but icing, massage, and night boot is more common.
09/06/2014 20:09
09/06/2014 20:09
Re: how did your feet feel before nodules?
dorightranch: I have very mild dups contracture in one of my hands. For those with Ledderhose my question is "How did your feet feel BEFORE you developed nodules and before the Ledderhose diagnosis"?
My feet hurt. I do not have any nodules on my feet, thankfully. For over a year my feet hurt when I walk and I cannot wear shoes because of the pain. Even house slippers hurt my feet. I went shopping last Friday and here one week later I am still barely able to walk.
The xray of my feet shows very mild arthritis 'bone spur like' areas. The doctor does not believe that would cause this severe foot pain.
I am worried that this bad pain is a sign of coming Ledderhose disease. Can you all help me?
I n my case there was not significant pain through LD. I believe there are many, far more painful conditions for feet. With LD the feet ached whist exercising .......but I woul nt define it as pain....
All the best
09/07/2014 01:49
09/07/2014 01:49
Re: how did your feet feel before nodules?
Thank you all who answered! Based on your replies I no longer think I am having Ledderhose.
09/14/2014 18:53
09/14/2014 18:53
Re: how did your feet feel before nodules?
Hi Sharon,
I have no idea of course if you have Ledderhose or not, but the first six months of my having Ledderhose was very painful. It hurt to walk, it hurt to wear most shoes, it just plain hurt. I had no visible or palatable fibromas. None of the doctors thought I had Ledderhose until my first, very small nodule appeared. But because the pain in my feet began shortly after my DD, I knew they had to be connected.
Now that I have several small fibromas on both feet things have actually improved pain wise. Still uncomfortable, but only suffer a lot of pain during flare ups when fibromas are increasing in number or size. Or when I put on the wrong shoes.
Edited 09/14/14 21:54