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How long
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06/13/2006 11:45
06/13/2006 11:45
How long

I have had LD for quite a while now and I have finally had to bite the bullet and go to the doctor as I also now have artharitis in my ankles and the way I walk to ease the pain of the LD is causing excess ankle joint pain

My doctor has said that surgery is the only recourse and is sending me to a specialist.

My question is about recovery times as I am a truck driver and am self employed, so time off is expensive! Are there any figures on length of time before walking unaided and being able to drive after surgery?

06/27/2006 17:44

not registered

06/27/2006 17:44

not registered

how long?

Difficult to give a definite answer on that one. Some people, especially after cryotherapy, drove home themselves. Others tell of weeks on crutches after surgery. If you are pessimistic, you might assume that it takes 4-6 weeks or so until you can walk again yourself without crutches. When you drive a truck you probably also have to carry loads, therefore you should probably assume at least the same time for recovery after surgery. I don't know whether this helped you any further ...


03/23/2007 03:28
03/23/2007 03:28
Re: How long

Just a personal note...

I was diagnosed with Dupuytrens in both my feet, but have recently found out on this forum that the proper name for this disease in my feet is Ledderhose.
I believe that I have had this for over 20 years.
My Podiatrist reccomended surgery. I am trying not to go that route.
It really scares me. Especially if she can't get the right name for this thing! LOL

I broke my ankle from just bending over. My Dr. felt that part of the cause was the disease in my feet and the nodules and cords pulling.

I am wearing proper shoes, padded shoes. I do ice my feet by rolling them over a frozen water bottle. This does give me some relief.
What really helped me the most and has taken away a lot of the pain is that I have lost 30 pounds of weight which has helped tremendously. It was like I was carrying around 2 bowling balls!
Wasn't easy, but it was worth it!

03/23/2007 06:27


03/23/2007 06:27



Hi Wendy, you might also have a look at our web site. It includes a page on Ledderhose


The two Yahoo groups that we refer to on


are also a good place to visit. They give e. g. information on shoes etc.



Just a personal note...

I was diagnosed with Dupuytrens in both my feet, but have recently found out on this forum that the proper name for this disease in my feet is Ledderhose.
I believe that I have had this for over 20 years.
My Podiatrist reccomended surgery. I am trying not to go that route.
It really scares me. Especially if she can't get the right name for this thing! LOL

I broke my ankle from just bending over. My Dr. felt that part of the cause was the disease in my feet and the nodules and cords pulling.

I am wearing proper shoes, padded shoes. I do ice my feet by rolling them over a frozen water bottle. This does give me some relief.
What really helped me the most and has taken away a lot of the pain is that I have lost 30 pounds of weight which has helped tremendously. It was like I was carrying around 2 bowling balls!
Wasn't easy, but it was worth it!

03/25/2007 01:19
03/25/2007 01:19
Re: How long

Thank you Wolfgang
I went to the links you posted and found it very informative.
Seems that I am doing the right thing. Daily walks with the pads in my walking shoes. Unfortunatly I am one who got the cords in my feet and my three middle toes are curling a spreading because of it, I think.

I am going to go back to my podiatrist with this information on therapies you have given me. Months ago, she suggested cortisone shots and possible surgery.
In the mean time she gave me a perscription for 600 mg. of Ibuprofen to take as needed, also to ice them down daily and do these exercises by curling my toes due to the cords. This is what my Dr. told me to do.
My pain is in the arch, pads and cramping of the toes in my feet.
I am really scared to do anything to my feet at this point, but unfortunatly on and off... the pain continues.

I was wondering if anyone else has had cortisone shots in thier feet. If so has this helped at all?

03/27/2007 01:57
03/27/2007 01:57
Re: How long


Dr. Denkler told me last August that he has sometimes given cortizone shots in the foot to patients with Lederhosen.

That's all I know.



Thank you Wolfgang
I went to the links you posted and found it very informative.
Seems that I am doing the right thing. Daily walks with the pads in my walking shoes. Unfortunatly I am one who got the cords in my feet and my three middle toes are curling a spreading because of it, I think.

I am going to go back to my podiatrist with this information on therapies you have given me. Months ago, she suggested cortisone shots and possible surgery.
In the mean time she gave me a perscription for 600 mg. of Ibuprofen to take as needed, also to ice them down daily and do these exercises by curling my toes due to the cords. This is what my Dr. told me to do.
My pain is in the arch, pads and cramping of the toes in my feet.
I am really scared to do anything to my feet at this point, but unfortunatly on and off... the pain continues.

I was wondering if anyone else has had cortisone shots in thier feet. If so has this helped at all?

03/27/2007 09:29


03/27/2007 09:29


Re: How long

Wendy, Dr. Rappaport from Switzerland mentioned that he has good results with injection a corticosteroid (triamcinolone, brand name e.g. Kenalog, see e.g http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triamcinolone). The stuff has side effects but some people, not all, reported improvement.

By the way, if you are interested in comments on Ledderhose you might try the "Seach" function of our forum. Click on "Search" in top bar, type in Ledderhose and select "Search in topics and answers". This will yield many posts. You might also search the forum for Kenalog.



I was wondering if anyone else has had cortisone shots in thier feet. If so has this helped at all?

03/29/2007 01:09
03/29/2007 01:09
Re: How long

Thank you both for your responses.
Today was a very painful day for these feet.

I have an appointment next month. I'll let you know what happens.
I do know that the podiatrist said the shots are painful.

03/30/2007 16:53
03/30/2007 16:53

Re: How long


Thank you Wolfgang
I went to the links you posted and found it very informative.
Seems that I am doing the right thing. Daily walks with the pads in my walking shoes. Unfortunatly I am one who got the cords in my feet and my three middle toes are curling a spreading because of it, I think.

I am going to go back to my podiatrist with this information on therapies you have given me. Months ago, she suggested cortisone shots and possible surgery.
In the mean time she gave me a perscription for 600 mg. of Ibuprofen to take as needed, also to ice them down daily and do these exercises by curling my toes due to the cords. This is what my Dr. told me to do.
My pain is in the arch, pads and cramping of the toes in my feet.
I am really scared to do anything to my feet at this point, but unfortunatly on and off... the pain continues.

I was wondering if anyone else has had cortisone shots in thier feet. If so has this helped at all?

Wendy, Wolfgang & everyone:

Surgery on the feet for LD.

Think about this. Has anyone EVER heard of ANYONE having a totally successful removal of LD without complications on the bottom of the feet?

I've been watching for TWO DECADES and I have YET to, not only see or hear of success, but have heard only of BAAAAAD situations of people who tried this. One guy, my Mom's EX-boss, had both feet done, and before they could EVEN HEAL!, they nodules started returning. And his feet hurt him so much, because they were hard to heal and this caused him some terrible discomfort, that continues today. In a word = BAD.

Don't you think, by now, if there was a proven procedure, it would be all over these forums?????????? Of course it would..

If you are reading this, think twice, three times, then find someone, anyone, who has been helped from this surgery. Heck, even ask your surgeon, plastic surgeon, whoever - ask the person who is going to cut your feet what kind of success they have had = THEN, ask him "hey, how many of these CAME BACK ????" Well, he's gonna tell you "Of course, you DO know, there is a chance these could return, right???" And, they do.

Pile on top of this fact, the very good possibility of nerve damage and problematic healing (the bottom of the foot is NOT a good place to have ripped skin!!!) Look at a nerve chart online = find the feet and hands. Check out the nerves in the feet. Look very closely. You'll decide right then, trust me. NO way to miss 'em AND remove LD.

I tell you this because I am reading about some of you who are considering getting your feet cut on. The hands? Some success at removal, not NEARLY as dangerous. The feet? oh, man.

If you want to contact me, please do so. I'm not posting this for my health = I'm posting it for YOURS.

Best to all you, and good luck with this issue,


03/30/2007 18:03

not registered

03/30/2007 18:03

not registered

Surgery for LD

Hi Drumhead,

I don't want to contradict you by any means. Feet have to carry weight and surgery might take a long time for healing. Surgery might mean being disabled for quite a while plus numerous potential complications. But for the sake of fairness we need to understand that it still might be a good choice, not for each and everyone but for some.

Here is an example from Yahoo's ledderhose_disease group, posted by Debbieh on 13 Feb 2007:
"I have had both of my fascias removed in the last two years and do not regret it one bit. Some are lucky with the surgery and some aren't I am glad to say I am one of the lucky ones."


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dupuytren-online   information   congratulations   interestingly   tremendously   wondering   Podiatrist   corticosteroid   reccomended   disease   Ledderhose   nodules   cortisone   complications   informative   triamcinolone   surgery   Wolfgang   Unfortunatly   perscription