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11/26/2005 10:02


11/26/2005 10:02



Dear Mrs. Éva Szegõ,

your post has vanished from the forum for miraculous reasons. You had written:

"Dear wach,
I am 74 years old. Living in Budapest Hungary. Have a small lump on my foot, yesterday I was at the ortoped surgeon, who diagnozed Dupuytren disease. I have pains, not strong and not always. He suggested surgery, but not immediatly. I wonder if I should or could try radiation. What is your advice?
Thanks for your answer.
Mrs. Éva Szegõ"

11/26/2005 10:06


11/26/2005 10:06


To evamarianna

Dear Mrs. Szegõ,

unfortunately we cannot give medical advice on this forum but you could discuss radiation therapy with your doctor. If the nodule is small and new, this therapy has a good chance to help. Would you have someone in Hungary who is familiar with radiation therapy of Ledderhose? By the way, this disease on the foot is usally called Ledderhose while Dupuytren is on the hand. If required we could provide you/your doctor with an English description of this therapy.

Best regards
Wolfgang Wach

12/03/2005 08:34
12/03/2005 08:34


Dear Mrs. Éva Szegõ,

your post has vanished from the forum for miraculous reasons. You had written:

"Dear wach,
I am 74 years old. Living in Budapest Hungary. Have a small lump on my foot, yesterday I was at the ortoped surgeon, who diagnozed Dupuytren disease. I have pains, not strong and not always. He suggested surgery, but not immediatly. I wonder if I should or could try radiation. What is your advice?
Thanks for your answer.
Mrs. Éva Szegõ"


yesterday   Wolfgang   suggested   description   unfortunately   required   Budapest   Dupuytren   familiar   Hungary   Ledderhose   radiation   diagnozed   evamarianna   disease   therapy   vanished   written   immediatly   miraculous