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Knuckle pads on toes
01/26/2013 13:35
01/26/2013 13:35
Knuckle pads on toes

I've had an "ah-ha" moment, I'm a 31 yr old female recently diagnosed with Dupuytren's diathesis with cords in my thumb-index web scpace. Back nearly 10 yrs ago my 1st toe went numb and I noticed something similar to a callus on the top of my PIP joint and a thickening under my toe in between my MTC and PIP joints.I'm very athletic (volleyball & basketball) and a dancer so I really thought it was a callus. It didn't seem important enough to tell my doctor at the time. Anyone else with a nodule under their toe?

Edited 01/26/13 15:38

01/29/2013 21:05
01/29/2013 21:05
Re: Knuckle pads on toes

My doctor confirmed my thought. No need for treatment, but its nice to finally have an explanation for my toe. The numbness I have lived with for nearly 10 years, another 50 won't hurt.

09/23/2013 21:38
09/23/2013 21:38
Re: Knuckle pads on toes

Hi Humana-

I have a cord going from the base of my thumb joint to the pad of my forefinger on my left hand.
Is that where your cord is?

I've had an "ah-ha" moment, I'm a 31 yr old female recently diagnosed with Dupuytren's diathesis with cords in my thumb-index web scpace. Back nearly 10 yrs ago my 1st toe went numb and I noticed something similar to a callus on the top of my PIP joint and a thickening under my toe in between my MTC and PIP joints.I'm very athletic (volleyball & basketball) and a dancer so I really thought it was a callus. It didn't seem important enough to tell my doctor at the time. Anyone else with a nodule under their toe?

thought   basketball   recently   important   forefinger   volleyball   thumb-index   confirmed   diagnosed   Knuckle   athletic   noticed   numbness   something   between   Dupuytren   thickening   treatment   diathesis   explanation