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LD pain!
03/25/2011 07:51
03/25/2011 07:51

LD pain!

Hello LD Gurus!

Have any of you found that you are suffering joint pain because of your LD? I have been trying to do some walking of late (I am a walking tour guide- go figure with this disease) and trying to get back in my spring training. I have been doing some 3-5 km walks. Nothing too strenuous. But the other night I had the worst pain in my knees and hips. I dont know if I am walking funny because my nodules have grown, or quite what the deal is... but I have been living on the magic advil/tylenol mix.

Now... you might be thinking...well..she's just out of shape... but I know that sort of pain. This is totally new... both legs, and the hips were the worst. It has taken about 3 days to settle.

I have also read that there can be a correlation between LD/DD and shoulder issues, and I have had a really difficult shoulder since around the time that LD came into my life. It used to by my 'clicky' shoulder, but now its just painful all the time.

Now... I can handle the foot ache. I'm used to it. But this? The ache in my joints had me in tears the other night. And the last curse of my genetics? On one side of my family, we are completely immune to narcotics...so no good drugs for it all either.

Right now I feel like I really lost out in the genetic lotto.

Anyway, help, advice, etc would be really appreciated!
Z in Berlin

03/25/2011 09:43
03/25/2011 09:43

Re: LD pain!

Hi Zoe
Sounds like a classic case of zig-zag compensation - weight shifts from left to right or vice versa to compensate as you move up the body (i.e. outside R foot, inside R knee, outside R hip). I've had to deal with a fair bit of this sort of dynamic for most of my life as I am hyper-mobile. Why don't you go and see a podiatrist?

Apparently podiatrists are trained 'beyond the foot' to deal with these sorts of issues. I had a 'biomechanical' evaluation last year, where I walked on a treadmill attached to computer software that detected the precise weight distribution across my feet as I walked.

An osteopath may also be able to help you.

Perhaps you should find out who you could go and visit to assess whether you have signs of frozen shoulder? Are you planning to visit Prof S. in Hamburg, or one of the other German radiation oncologists for an assessment of your condition and perhaps a treatment plan? Maybe they would be able to tell you if you have frozen shoulder.

All these conditions are related so we are all prone to frozen shoulder - let us know if you find out more about who treats it.

All the best of luck

Hello LD Gurus!

Have any of you found that you are suffering joint pain because of your LD? I have been trying to do some walking of late (I am a walking tour guide- go figure with this disease) and trying to get back in my spring training. I have been doing some 3-5 km walks. Nothing too strenuous. But the other night I had the worst pain in my knees and hips. I dont know if I am walking funny because my nodules have grown, or quite what the deal is... but I have been living on the magic advil/tylenol mix.

Now... you might be thinking...well..she's just out of shape... but I know that sort of pain. This is totally new... both legs, and the hips were the worst. It has taken about 3 days to settle.

I have also read that there can be a correlation between LD/DD and shoulder issues, and I have had a really difficult shoulder since around the time that LD came into my life. It used to by my 'clicky' shoulder, but now its just painful all the time.

Now... I can handle the foot ache. I'm used to it. But this? The ache in my joints had me in tears the other night. And the last curse of my genetics? On one side of my family, we are completely immune to narcotics...so no good drugs for it all either.

Right now I feel like I really lost out in the genetic lotto.

Anyway, help, advice, etc would be really appreciated!
Z in Berlin

03/25/2011 16:42

not registered

03/25/2011 16:42

not registered

Re: LD pain!


I agree with 'cyclist:

1. an osteopath is a definite!. My osteopath has greatly assisted in my awareness of breathing, working with re-alignment of my spine, encouraging me ( which I did) do not wear orthodics! and my spirituality. Now I am long time walker as well, without the orthodics ( 3 weeks without), I did start back at square one i.e. shorter walks, reduce my pace and monitor my breathing pattern.

2. The pedorthist was the person to recommended strongly the orthodics. When I questioned her re: knees and hip pain, she said visit the chiropractor who just happened to be in her office. Imagine that.

3. An indication that my foot ( especially the left) needs a rest is an ache in my right shoulder.

4. I can't emphasize enough the importance of meditation and stretching ( yoga poses for me).

5. My massage therapist/yoga instructor has used deep fascia treatment on two occasions.

Thanks for the motivation re: walking tour.

Must run...time for my therapeutic walk in the brilliant sunshine!


oncologists   completely   podiatrists   osteopath   distribution   recommended   hyper-mobile   therapeutic   shoulder   chiropractor   re-alignment   compensation   evaluation   spirituality   biomechanical   appreciated   correlation   walking   orthodics   encouraging