Ledderhose and foot burning pain |
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04/24/2012 16:55
04/24/2012 16:55
Re: Ledderhose and foot burning pain
Thanks, Wolfgang, for cautioning me. I definitely need to wait to see if it develops into a problem. I think that I probably really did sprain my foot transitioning from one pose to another in yoga.
04/24/2012 21:41
04/24/2012 21:41

Re: Ledderhose and foot burning pain
Hang in there Flojo - but just take a little more care of your feet during yoga. I was able to continue normal activity when the nodules remained pea-sized, which was for 3 or 4 years. Once they started progressing (ie. hardening and getting symptomatic) I had to adjust my activity.
All the best Di
flojo: Thanks, Wolfgang, for cautioning me. I definitely need to wait to see if it develops into a problem. I think that I probably really did sprain my foot transitioning from one pose to another in yoga.
07/04/2012 00:39
07/04/2012 00:39
Re: Ledderhose and foot burning pain
Yes, I too have Ledderhose Disease and I get the burning, stabbing pain at night, or when I take my footwear off. I also notice that when I get out of bed in the morning, I have pain once I am on my feet that lasts for a half hour, the subsides a little. I also have Dupuytren's in both hands, and a torn rotor cuff on my right shoulder, which throbs terribly, so anymore, I am becomming increasingly used to pain. I wish none of us had to deal with this terrible condition, but unfortunately, we do, and I still don't know what to do about it despite having 3 great surgeons lined up for my foot, hands, and shoulder. I really haven't decided what is the best option yet, as they all seem "Temporary". I hope you are able to find some kind of relief in the very near future as I know all too well how uncomfortable it can be. Take care & best wishes, Metzie
07/12/2012 22:17
07/12/2012 22:17
Re: Ledderhose and foot burning pain
I have Ledderhose in the arch of my right foot (Lump the size of a grape). and yes, I have burning, stabbing, tearing pain when it is warm out, after I remove footwear, and at night before, during, and after bed. It is a condition that, unfortunately, only gets worse as the disease progresses. If the disease is not dealt with in time, and one waits, the condition only worsens to the point that walking or bearing weight on the foot become almost impossible,due to severe pain. I am having mine surgically removed, which typically has to be done twice before it is sucessful, (Acording to the Podiatry Surgeons),unfortunately. Not many people chose this method for dealing with it, but I'm taking my chances as all other methods are more temporary, and have to be dealt with more often. I would see a foot specialist and get a correct diagnosis to make sure it is in fact Ledderhose disease, and if so, I would aggressively seek out the treatment that is best for you before it progresses too far and becomes more problematic. I wish you all the best and I hope you find a treatment that works for you...Take care, Metzie.
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