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Ledderhose and running
08/09/2011 12:48
08/09/2011 12:48
Ledderhose and running

Hello all. I have dupuytrens and ledderhose. The nodules on my feet are not bothersome at all so I have not done anything about them. I am a runner and about 3 months ago began to experience pain along the outside of my shins in both legs. The right leg was worse than the left. However, I would feel the pain the worse when sitting at a desk or driving. It really didn't bother me when I was running. I figured the pain had to be related to running so I took a week off and the pain began to subside. Went for another run and it came right back. I went to see an ortho doc and he took xrays and said it was just inflamation. Well, here it is 3 months of no running later and the pain is still there. However, it is less than it originally was. I began to wonder whether it could be related to the Ledderhose condition. I have an appointment with a podiatrist for tomorrow. I thought the nodules could possibly be pulling on the tendons in my feet causing them to pull on the tendons/muscles in my legs. Again, I have no foot pain; only lower leg discomfort. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? If not, I would also be interested in hearing about any other running related experiences from those with Ledderhose. Thank you.

08/09/2011 15:37


08/09/2011 15:37


Re: Ledderhose and running

I don't have Ledderhosen, but do have a foot problem and am also jogger (not runner) to keep fit for tennis. I'm sure as a runner you've checked if it's shin splints? As you probably know shin splints can be caused by foot, foot-ware or gait problems. So your Ledderhosen could well be implicated. The inflammation should have died down by now I would have thought unless just normal walking activity is keeping it going. Have you seen a sports podiatrist? When I last had a long term knee problem (jumpers knee) I switched from jogging to cycling to keep fit. It still took 9 months to a year for my knee to recover. Cycling may not be as satisfactory for you perhaps as you're a runner.

Edited 08/09/11 18:38

08/09/2011 18:06
08/09/2011 18:06
Re: Ledderhose and running

I aggree with spanishbudda:

Foot problems may not be recognized unless other "reactions" from your body happen. As Ledderhose patient I didn't pay to much attention to my feet, until my wife recognized a slight "limp" im my walking with was just a simple avoiding strategy to reduce the pressure of a nodule on a specific joint; i thought it was a sort of arthrosis problem ...

You can also do SWIMMING or AQUAJOGGING which is good training, but dreduces the weight on your foot ...

If there is progression, don't do surgery ! Radiation therapy was very effective in both my feet with reduction of pressure sensation and shrinkage of ther nodules ...

Good luck, Larry

Edited 08/09/11 21:07

08/14/2011 10:37

not registered

08/14/2011 10:37

not registered

Re: Ledderhose and running


I also have both Ledderhose and Dupuytren's. I am a walker and bike rider ( comfort bike as it's seat and handle bar position is better). I do experience tightness ( more so on my left side) in my lower legs when I overdo it . So I have to stretch ( downward dog, lying on the floor with legs up the wall to stretch hamstrings)), breath ( mountain pose for 5-10mins) relax and at times use a tennis ball ( roll the ball up and down as well as side ways up lower leg) and see an osteopath regularly.

I must walk or ride my bike each day. If I did NOT, the tightness in my body would persist all day long.

I also threw my orthodics away ( thank you osteopath ! ).

golf wilson

inflamation   inflammation   Ledderhose   experienced   spanishbudda   Ledderhosen   running   AQUAJOGGING   hamstrings   experiences   discomfort   progression   interested   recognized   podiatrist   experience   bothersome   dupuytrens   satisfactory   appointment