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Looking for treatment in Japan,specially RT
08/18/2023 01:13
08/18/2023 01:13
Looking for treatment in Japan,specially RT

Hi, I was diagnosed with Ledderhose disease two years ago,went to six Traumatologists and ended up at Tokyo University Hospital where I was told my only option is surgery. I had shock therapy (8 times) plus two corticosteroids' injections in August and September last year. Nothing worked.
Any information regarding treatment specially radiation therapy will be greatly appreciated.

Edited 08/18/2023 03:14

08/18/2023 06:32


08/18/2023 06:32


Re: Looking for treatment in Japan,specially RT


Can you travel? RT treatment overseas might be your best option. Similarly for the enzyme injections promoted by Dr Davis.

The DART group on Facebook have a website that advises, for the US really, how to find a 'radiation oncologist' that would be willing to treat using RT and provides information about the 'german protocol' that the RO should follow. Maybe this is an option for you? It has been successful in getting RT to be more available in the US but takes some persistence on behalf of the patient and may just be more suited to the US open and money based culture for health care.

Best wishes SB

Edit to add: if you search on 'Tokyo' in DART you will find one person with LD who was referred to an RO in Japan/Tokyo by their physician after they informed them of a planned a trip to Germany for treatment. PM me if you cannot find this.

Edited 08/18/2023 09:19

Similarly   information   University   Traumatologists   treatment   oncologist   injections   protocol   Ledderhose   successful   regarding   September   available   diagnosed   persistence   physician   appreciated   specially   radiation   corticosteroids