Looking for treatment of Ledderhose in Italy |
05/24/2021 09:18
05/24/2021 09:18
Looking for treatment of Ledderhose in Italy
Hello to you all. Are there any Italians on this forum who have found help from doctors /clinics in Italy about Ledderhose? Thank you for your contribution.
05/24/2021 09:43
wach Administrator
05/24/2021 09:43
wach Administrator
Re: Looking for treatment of Ledderhose in Italy
Hi Otto,
unfortunately, it is generally difficult in any country finding an expert for Ledderhose, and it might be even more difficult in Italy. What you might consider looking for a center for radiotherapy in your vicinity and inquire whether they are treating also Ledderhose.
05/25/2021 14:50
spanishbuddha Administrator
05/25/2021 14:50
spanishbuddha Administrator
Re: Looking for treatment of Ledderhose in Italy
Otto: Hello to you all. Are there any Italians on this forum who have found help from doctors /clinics in Italy about Ledderhose? Thank you for your contribution.
Try here https://marcuccimilano.com/andrea-milella/
He treats LD using Hyaluronidase (Vitrase) injections.
Edited 05/28/21 08:03