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Material for orthotics
07/20/2008 11:06

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07/20/2008 11:06

not registered

Material for orthotics

I have plantar fasciitis as well as Ledderhose. My orthotics are hard "plastic" with a leather cover and made to accomodate the nodules. I'm wondering what material, in your experience, makes the best orthotics for those of us with Ledderhose? Don't they have to be remade to accomodate growth in the nodules?

01/05/2009 01:48
01/05/2009 01:48
Re: Material for orthotics


Are you in Dallas? I see the top pedorthist in Dallas for Orthodics and I think I may have referred you to him at one time from the other board.

I think for dress shoes Graphite is the best material to be used. Also Cork is great because its thin and it doesnt fill up your shoe and make it tight. My latest pair for my asics 2140 is a hard material that is in between a foam and a hard rubber.

The harder the material you can stand , the better. This keeps the fascita from excessive bending and relieves the pain. Of course the harder orthodics (rigit graphite) will run you about $400 and the softer ones that mimic what comes in your tennis shoes will run you $150-$200.


10/28/2016 17:32
10/28/2016 17:32
Re: Material for orthotics

Any update on materials for orthotics? I had a compress able foam and just picking up a new pair that they recommended have cork. I am worried the cork will be too hard on the nodules.


Many thanks to all who contribute on this board. It has saved me much pain.


10/29/2016 05:05


10/29/2016 05:05


Re: Material for orthotics

Hi Mike, I am not an expert on orthotics because I am lucky with my ML nodules, they nearly vanished over time. I guess whether cork is good or not may depend on the specific situation on the foot. If the nodule is protruding cork might be painful but if you cut out the nodule area it might be OK again. Maybe only trying can tell?


fasciitis   compress   experience   vanished   materials   situation   nodules   Ledderhose   $150-$200   recommended   Material   Orthodics   wondering   pedorthist   accomodate   contribute   excessive   orthotics   Graphite   protruding