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My Fibroma Story
06/27/2017 20:09
06/27/2017 20:09
My Fibroma Story

Ive read other postings on here some of which sounds a lot like my story. My constant chronic pain has become so bad that I request the doc's to amputate my foot/leg. They said they would amputate above the knee.....yet they are reluctant, saying I should first let them try other surgeries on the foot.
I should never have let the VA pod doc talk me into allowing the surgery, except he made it sound so wonderful, convenient, easy, that I would be back to my job as a restaurant General Mgr within two weeks, my surgery was back in 2014 n as of today I have yet returned to work.
My pain now is from the scar up to my toes, with no feeling to the touch but inside the foot it's a totally different story. Also major chronic pain to my ankle n up my calf to back of my knee......all these combined has what led me to wanting the amputation. The VA did a MRI about a month after the surgery n the radiologist wrote that the tumor had returned, that particular VA pod said he disagreed. Had another Radiologist review it n he said he 'thought' he could see a nerve entrapment, in the ball of the foot. Now the pod wants to go in, cut the main plantar nerve, burying the end into a muscle, killing all or most of my feelings from scar to toes in my foot ......but did tell me, in the future we will need to do follow up surgeries to repair hammer toes.....Finally I ask, "Doc what do you think the success percentages are?" Lol, he said, about 20-40%.....I told him he was crazy, had it been 70-100% I would have considered it.
I went to the University of Oklahoma n saw the chief of Neurology, he advised me to not allow them to do anymore surgeries pertaining to the nerves.
I am amazed n shock how little is known of this.....Sleep is almost hopeless, even with taking Gabapentin.
Any advice anyone????? The pain in my calf muscle, my ankle n bottom, sometimes even top, of my foot is truly becoming unbareble. I would NEVER advise anyone to have this surgery. I now have one in my right foot, growing quite rapidly but I'll be damn before I let just any pod doc do Surgery on it. Cort shots, don't work, no relief. Matter of fact, I no of no relief. Why I want the amputation.....at least there will no longer be any pain. I'll be able to sleep.......

06/27/2017 21:14


06/27/2017 21:14


Re: My Fibroma Story

Hi My6sons

Sorry to hear your story, thanks for sharing. For the right foot and rapidly growing fibroma, if confirmed as a diagnosis, then maybe RT is an option for you at this time for it? It is successful more often than not, sometimes spectacularly so. Check out Gary's blog if you have not seen it before: http://ledderhose.blogspot.co.uk

I'm not sure anyone on an Internet forum can advise you on what to do with your chronic pain symptoms on the other limb. If the fibroma has returned it could be causing some of the pain, or the previous surgery has damaged nerves, or left you with CRPS as a side effect which needs specialist management. Apart from the current drugs for pain relief, and suggestion to cut the nerve which to my lay person ears sounds severe, I would be seeking another opinion on the cause, and separately seeking treatment on the assumption it is intrinsic pain without a specific cause.

Best wishes

surgery   successful   assumption   ledderhose   suggestion   sometimes   pertaining   amputation   Gabapentin   separately   radiologist   management   spectacularly   particular   surgeries   entrapment   specialist   percentages   Fibroma   considered