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Nerve pain relief
11/17/2008 02:32
11/17/2008 02:32
Nerve pain relief

I wrote in before as a guest describing a lot of nerve pain on the bottom of both feet related to Ledderhose. This pain was severe enough to cause a lot of distress, waking me, and keeping me awake at night, or causing me to rub the soles of my feet so hard that I rubbed the skin off more than once. While I still have lumps on both feet and have not yet arrived at a treatment option for them, I have this week found some relief from the nerve pain. I have been taking gabapentin (neurontin) at bedtime and the pain has been almost totally releived for the night. While I see from some previous posts that others may have tried this, I just wanted to relate how well it has worked for me so far.
Wendymac, Canada

05/24/2009 04:14
05/24/2009 04:14
Re: Nerve pain relief

I am so excited (?) to finally have found someone going through the same thing as me!

I developed a lump in my right foot at the age of seven. The pain was dibilitating and since then I really can't recall a full night's sleep unless I was completely exhausted! I too have rubbed sores onto the bottom of my lump hoping to express some of the pain, I have done anything to just make it stop, ice baths, really hot water, walking it out, icyhot, painkillers, footbaths, massages...the list really could go on. This is the first that I really am seeing of any of this, so I appreciate others with mutual posts.

I don't know what medication that is you are taking, but as soon as I get some insurance I want to learn more. Thank you!

05/25/2009 17:08
05/25/2009 17:08
Re: Nerve pain relief

It's available as a generic and not an expensive medication

08/17/2009 15:34
08/17/2009 15:34
Re: Nerve pain relief

I to experience the kind of pain you describe. I will tell my MD about gabapentin. Thanks!

Kajsa, Sweden

Ledderhose   insurance   experience   releived   available   exhausted   painkillers   dibilitating   describing   gabapentin   developed   completely   anything   neurontin   medication   describe   treatment   appreciate   expensive   footbaths