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New member introduction
10/23/2010 12:00

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10/23/2010 12:00

not registered

New member introduction

I would like introduce myself as I'm a fellow sufferer of dupuytren's contracture in both hands for about 15 years now - my
name is Tony I'm a 59 year old male residing in the south west part of the U K .
I've had two operations on my left hand, one on my right hand, one on my left foot and have an appointment to see my consultant soon regarding my right foot so I have joined this site to exchange information with other members.
I'm very lucky to have our free health care system here in the U K but the down side is non urgent surgery waiting times exceeded 1 year so the two operations on my left hand took too long for the best results but the good news is I did not loose
the two fingers badly effected.
Since then I'm pleased to say waiting times are much shorter now !
It appears there is little known about the cause of this desease which is not very reassuring as a patient so it is nice to find
a site that can help fellow sufferers/doctors in the future.

10/24/2010 01:28
10/24/2010 01:28
Re: New member introduction

Welcome! I'm glad I found this site and glad you did, too. Keep us updated on your Dupuytren's and ask questions here.

10/24/2010 04:21
10/24/2010 04:21

Re: New member introduction

I never introduced myself. So here I am, I have ledderhosen on both feet and dups just starting since April on both hands. I am a 64 year old woman. They say we don't get it as severe, but I have seen some bad pictures on the web of women's hands.

I refuse to call myself a sufferer because I think then I will act like one. I try to remain as positive and as active as I can in the face of everything that gets tossed my way. I continue to work on my book it is a distraction, I better hurry while I can still type lol.

I am glad to be here and have already posted in several threads and have read some interesting and informative posts. I got one answer back for sure and one that might have been to me I am not sure.


Edited 10/24/10 07:31

10/24/2010 20:39
10/24/2010 20:39
Re: New member introduction

Just because we are women doesn't ensure slowly progressing Dupuytren's. Mine started at age 69 and was progressing rapidly.
Every hand is different. My left hand has 2 cords that have done nothing for 2 years. My right hand had cords and started developing nodules rapidly. Within a year I had about a dozen nodules, so I had RT on my whole palm. That stopped nodules from forming and softened some existing ones. No new nodules in the radiated area, but 2 new nodules showed up outside the radiated area.
Keep track of the progression of your disease by pictures of your hand, dates, notes, etc. so you'll have a clear picture of what is happening. Most doctors really don't know much about Dups other than to diagnose and say wait until your hand is deformed then have surgery. I wasn't willing to wait for that.

10/27/2010 04:17
10/27/2010 04:17

Re: New member introduction

Thank you for the responce to my post.


Edited 10/27/10 07:26

11/13/2010 18:18
11/13/2010 18:18
Re: New member introduction

So glad to have found this site! I have been suffering for about 1 year. I had developed a lump on the arch of my right foot. Waited 6 months then had surgery to remove it!! It is now 6 months later and I still struggle to walk on "surgery" foot. Plus, I have develped 3 on the left foot!
Doctor hasn't said if there is one growing under the scar tissue, but the surgery was horrible! It still hurts to walk, and some days I still use my "walking boot" left over from surgery.

It's nice to know that I am not alone in this. What is the long term prognosis for this? Will it get better in time or worse?

I live in the US and have never heard of radiation?


11/13/2010 20:48
11/13/2010 20:48
Re: New member introduction

Get all the info you can. Research all about "Ledderhose's disease" and "Radiation therepy" using the menu on the left. Use the "Search web site" also in the menu on the left. Luba, a regular contributor has posted her condition and experiences about Ledderhose's and Dupuytren's and the treatments she has had.
There are various options for treatment.

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