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New Procedure/Looks Promising!
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01/08/2014 23:45
01/08/2014 23:45
New Procedure/Looks Promising!

This is a tough disease, because there appeared to be very little hope or optimism out there when I was diagnosed several months ago. I did a lot and I mean A LOT of research and I saw three Podiatrists and one Orthopedic. All but the last Podiatrist told me the same thing. That there was nothing that could be done except for surgery and perhaps Verapamil Gel would soften the fibroma and relieve some of the pain. Today I cannot walk without pain in the arch of my foot where the fibroma is. The last Podiatrist I saw told me about the Tenex Procedure. Two doctors from Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN developed the procedure. This is the Tenex website that explains the procedure and also gives a list of doctors all over the US that are preforming it. http://tenexhealth.com

Today I had a consult with a Radiologist about this procedure. He did an ultrasound and ordered a copy of the disc of my MRI that the Orthopedic did. I am scheduled for the procedure next Tuesday. The doctor told me from the time I get there until I leave, should be less than an hour. I'll leave with some pain meds, but it hasn't been his experience that most people need them. I'll also have a walking boot or some type of wrap for two weeks. He has not done a fibroma before. He has done elbows, heels and plantar fasciitis removal. He said that at this time, only about 3,000 of these procedures have been done in the US since it is so new. Plantar fibromas are rare and therefore, there is not as much data on them, but what data there is, is that it is a promising treatment alternative to open surgery. My insurance will cover it and thankfully, the risks are minimal. I am nervous only because of how few of these have been done. I wanted to share this information in case it will help someone else.

01/09/2014 00:24
01/09/2014 00:24
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!

Hi Jeanie,

If you don't mind me asking, which doctor/location is going to perform this procedure on you next week? Please keep us informed with how things go.

Blair T.

01/09/2014 00:49
01/09/2014 00:49
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!

Blair: I'm having the procedure done by one of the doctors that is listed on the Tenex site. I'm never sure if it is okay to give out their names on a public forum. I contacted several of the clinics on the list and asked them specifically about their success treating plantar fibromas. The ones that got back to me that have treated this condition report great success. I will keep you posted.

01/10/2014 22:55
01/10/2014 22:55
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!

Good luck Jeanie, looking forward to hearing how it goes. thanks for the new proceedure info

01/11/2014 02:13
01/11/2014 02:13
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!

This is great new info; best of luck and good wishes to you. Better treatment is what we need. I had one round of radiation and have yet to feel any result and I very optimistic about this, as I don't really want to go for a second round of radiation.

Thanks for the info,

01/11/2014 18:00
01/11/2014 18:00
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!

Good luck!! Keep us posted on the results. Knowledge is power.

01/14/2014 18:10
01/14/2014 18:10
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!

I had the procedure this morning. The doctor used a local on the arch of my foot right above the fibroma. The Tenex procedure took about 10 minutes. He told me he felt that he got it all and I left in an ace wrap. Now I will have to wait to see the final outcome. The procedure itself was more pleasant than a dental cleaning and four hours later I feel no discomfort. I will post an update when I have one. Thanks for the well wishes!

01/14/2014 20:32
01/14/2014 20:32
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!

Hi Jeanie,
Do you know the approximate cost of this procedure?

01/15/2014 15:57
01/15/2014 15:57
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!

Penny: I don't know for sure. My insurance should cover most of it, but I can let you know when I get the bill.

01/18/2014 03:55
01/18/2014 03:55
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!

I'd love to hear updates too. This sounds very interesting and a welcome idea for relief. Hope you are doing well.


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fibromas   interventions   hyaluronidase   specifically   inflamation   unfortunately   ultrasound   prescription   Procedure   Promising   significantly   fibroma   experimental   alternative   hematoma   anti-inflamatory   radiation   Radiologist   approximate   treatment