New Procedure/Looks Promising! |
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01/18/2014 18:32
01/18/2014 18:32
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!
It's only been four days since my procedure, so I am hoping it is just swelling I see where the fibroma was/is. It looks the same to me at this point. I really wish I knew someone who had tried this procedure so I would know if that is what is to be expected. I thought if it was removed, I would not be able to still see the outline of it. It is sore like always, but that is right where the needle went in, so again, it could just be swelling. I may call on Monday to ask some questions. It seems odd to me that I was told I didn't need a follow up appointment. I guess if it works, there wouldn't be much to do, but if it doesn't, I'm not sure where we go from there.
01/18/2014 23:03
01/18/2014 23:03
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!
Thanks for the updates!! Hope everything works out for you.
01/23/2014 12:42
01/23/2014 12:42
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!
The procedure only removed a small portion of the fibroma. The Dr. did an ultrasound and he was surprised at how much of it is still there. He felt at the time of the procedure he had gotten it all. I'm going back in tomorrow for a second try. I was very encouraged by the success the patient in Virginia had, but I'm not sure this is going to work for me. You need to rest the foot for two weeks after the procedure, so there has been a lot of down time without the results I had hoped for at this point.
Edited 01/23/14 14:43
02/01/2014 12:51
02/01/2014 12:51
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!
Two procedures and I am in more pain than before. The lump goes away for about five days and then returns. Is that even possible that it can grow back that quickly? I am going back next Friday and we may give it another try. I can barely walk anymore and I'm rather at a loss as to what to do. Doctors are claiming successes with this procedure, so I'm not sure why it isn't working for me.
02/01/2014 13:18
spanishbuddha Administrator
02/01/2014 13:18
spanishbuddha Administrator
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!
Are they sure it's a fibroma and not a cyst? A cyst that gets drained can reappear within days. I don't know about a fibroma.
Edited 02/01/14 16:39
02/01/2014 13:58
02/01/2014 13:58
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!
I had an MRI done, so I think they are reasonably sure it is a fibroma. I just find it hard to believe it can grow back in four or five days. I'm a little afraid about going back for another procedure, but I'm not sure what else to do. My arch was completely flat when I left the office and just in those few days it grew back to full size and with more pain.
02/04/2014 18:13
02/04/2014 18:13
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!
Very sorry to hear that things have not gone as you hoped! As we all had hoped.
Would you mind sharing why you did not pursue RT as your first course of action?
To your knowledge have others treated by Tenex procedure needed multiple treatments for a fibroma? If not what would your doctor's reason be for trying again?
Again, very sorry for such poor outcome.
02/04/2014 23:06
02/04/2014 23:06
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!
Hi Nan: I am this doctor's first fibroma patient. He has spoken to other doctors that have had to do the procedure more than once, but we will be going in for a third try on Friday. I guess I feel like it may be worth one more shot. I am in quite a bit of pain and back to walking on the side of my foot again, so I am probably being desperate. RT was something I was having trouble finding a physician doing in my area, but since really looking this site over and messaging some people who have had it done in MN, I will call Dr. Dusenbery at the U of M as she is coming highly recommended. The Tenex procedure just sounded like a dream come true and I think it has been for some patients. Just not for me at this point. The instrument aspirates and breaks up the scar tissue. It felt completely gone when I left the facility, but was back in full force within a few days. I'm really not sure if I am doing the right thing by trying again. No one I know has heard of this disease and while I can accept there is no cure, I need to find some hope that I can get enough relief just to walk again without so much pain.
02/05/2014 06:31
02/05/2014 06:31
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!
Jeanie, I feel for you. To be in so much pain and to have your hopes crushed after a failed treatment must be so difficult to deal with. I was really wishing you the best personally and for other sufferers. Thank You so much for sharing your story and following through with updates. I hope 3rd time is a charm and you can rid yourself of the effects of this nasty disease. People like you inspire me to share my story and I'm grateful to be apart of this community.
02/07/2014 20:41
02/07/2014 20:41
Re: New Procedure/Looks Promising!
The ultrasound today showed a hematoma and a lot of inflamation. The doctor could NOT see the fibroma, however, he did say that he was unable to see under the hematoma, so he could not say for certain there was not a small amount of it under there. He gave me a local and drained some blood from the hematoma. He said that both the hematoma and inflamation will take some time to heal. He gave me a prescription for an anti-inflamatory cream and told me to do plenty of icing, elevating and massage to the area.
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