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03/20/2015 21:25
03/20/2015 21:25

I went to see Dr. Davis in TX for a H. Injection on a newer fibroma. He was not confident that it would work due to its size (smallish but in a bad spot so causes pain). It didn't help. He did prescribe a compounding cream and orthotics. What experiences have people here had with orthotics? I have multiple foot issues including nerve damage, arthirits and an unfortunately high arch and instep.

08/05/2015 22:43
08/05/2015 22:43
Re: Orthotics

I had orthotics made, but unfortunately the nodule outgrew the hole they had cut for it and I had to quit wearing them after a couple of months.

08/06/2015 05:36
08/06/2015 05:36

Re: Orthotics

I went to see Dr. Davis in TX for a H. Injection on a newer fibroma. He was not confident that it would work due to its size (smallish but in a bad spot so causes pain). It didn't help. He did prescribe a compounding cream and orthotics. What experiences have people here had with orthotics? I have multiple foot issues including nerve damage, arthirits and an unfortunately high arch and instep.

Hi Jeanie,
I'm sorry to hear of your issues. Vey similar to mine. For nodes on my hands I wear padded gloves. I've noticed that anything that irrates them makes them worse.

Sometimes you just have to try different things until you find some comfort. I use oils to rub on my palm nodes and wear gloves infused with aloe to keep the nodes soft. Also injections have sometimes helped. It takes time and rest to see any progress. Also while using my hand I protect them from pressure, by wearing gloves or finger pads.
I wear orthotics in my shoes I found great ones online. And I have a high arch and LH in my feet as well as Morton's nerve.Also hip joint replaced causes foot drop...wrestling that with my left foot.
I have a small hand and foot spa use it for warm lavender oil wax treatments for hands and feet. Also use a frozen water bottle to roll on my arches. Shoes are especially important, I was lucky to find comfortable brands that don't hurt to walk in and fit my orthotics. Also a silicone pad inside the shoes not gel under the orthotics. Soft...doesn't irritate the nodes on my arches.
I wear a spring splint on my fingers during the day and a splint nightly after xialaflex injection to open my pinky that was closed tighter than a drum. Finger is now straighter and it's best to wear a splint at night to keep it that way.

I hope you find what gives you relief. It's a tricky situation. Everyone's experience with this is different. But don't give up keep searching until you find what's works for you!

Kind Regards,

Edited 08/06/15 08:42

treatments   confident   experiences   including   Sometimes   straighter   prescribe   experience   especially   comfortable   Orthotics   xialaflex   arthirits   different   searching   compounding   important   Injection   unfortunately   injections