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03/21/2017 22:51
03/21/2017 22:51

I have had the same pair of custom graphite orthotics since I was diagnosed two years ago. I completed radiation in September 2016 and since then my feet became very sensitive to my orthotics. I recently saw a new podiatrist who made me another pair of orthotics with a softer cushioning on the inside that is used for diabetic foot care.
I still find these orthotics very "hard" on my feet. It feels much like a bruising on my feet and it becomes intolerable within the first hour. I also cannot walk barefoot at all, it seems as my disease progresses the more intolerance my feet are of hard surfaces.

While my new orthotics were being made the doctor fashioned something temporary for me in the office with cut outs for my fibromas. It was a soft cushiony insert and that has actually helped my feet. I am wondering if I can stick with something like that or is it very important that I have "custom" orthotics. She has cut out an area for both of my fibromas so they are in the clear, no pressure on them.

08/02/2017 14:13
08/02/2017 14:13
Re: Orthotics

I got new orthotics today.
I feel better.

After RT I think my foot skin is more sensitive but my real problem is that I developed a "fascitiis?" that did not allow me to walk or stand. The pain was not in the nodules, it was in the arch.

Reading here different solutions I tried several. Hard orthotics, soft orthotics, heel lifters, nothing worked.

I read in the net that orthotics for Ledderhose must follow the arch, so that the fascia does not have to work.

I have them for a couple of hours, so I am not sure of nothing, but for this couple of hours I felt better, standing or walking. I hope they will prove to be of help.

08/05/2017 13:02
08/05/2017 13:02
Re: Orthotics

Thank you so much for your response. I am going to look into getting different orthotics and have an appointment with podiatrist next week. Wish you continued success with your orthotics !
Thanks for answering my thread .

fascitiis   appointment   Orthotics   progresses   intolerable   sensitive   important   wondering   Ledderhose   different   podiatrist   something   solutions   continued   cushioning   fashioned   answering   developed   intolerance   temporary