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Pain, burning itching in soles. When does it stop?
12/31/2010 12:16
12/31/2010 12:16
Pain, burning itching in soles. When does it stop?

I have Dupuytrens in hands for about 10 years.
Took a climbing fall in Oct 2010 that triggered a resurgence of dupuytrens and plantar fasciitis in both feet.
In the feet this has now progressed to severe burning and pain when walking sometimes at rest.
Physical therapy and orthotics have not helped, did get an injection into one plantar fascis spot that least about a week.
Doc put me on Lyrica yesterday, feel like a zombie but the pain is better.
Still having alot of anxiety since I was really active.

What is the natural history, I have no real classic nodules, maybe one in the plantar fascia, just in front of the heel.
When does this nightmare end? Any thoughts on treatment??


12/31/2010 12:39


12/31/2010 12:39


Re: Pain, burning itching in soles. When does it stop?

I don't know if I can help, just share. I have early stage DD in the LH, just nodules, some ache and soreness if I catch it on something. Had it about a year but only realised what it was in the last 3 months. I'm monitoring it and suspect a cord is developing under the pinkie. Still no contracture. Good, because I try to play piano.

I've had 'feet trouble' for years. Have no idea what it is. Wear expensive orthotics, but in fact they don't help. The problem is when just standing for, say, twenty minutes or more the soles ache, and eventually become sore. There's no lumps or bumps at all, and it's not plantar fasciitis. I'm otherwise OK and active, jog and play a lot of tennis without any trouble.

This year, however I developed classic plantar fasciitis in the left foot, to add to the aching foot woes. It's sore after any rest, especially early morning when I can hardly walk. I've been wearing a lightweight plastic night splint to sleep in for six months. It helps a lot, and I thoroughly recommend it. No pain in the mornings at all. Once a month I leave it off at night to see if the pf has gone in the morning, so far it's still there. Have you tried a night splint? I have also tried the soft sock-like splints and do not recommend them, the plastic shells are much more comfortable. Won't help presumably with LD. Best wishes for healing.

12/31/2010 17:27
12/31/2010 17:27
Re: Pain, burning itching in soles. When does it stop?

I have Dupuytrens in hands for about 10 years.
Took a climbing fall in Oct 2010 that triggered a resurgence of dupuytrens and plantar fasciitis in both feet.
In the feet this has now progressed to severe burning and pain when walking sometimes at rest.
Physical therapy and orthotics have not helped, did get an injection into one plantar fascis spot that least about a week.
Doc put me on Lyrica yesterday, feel like a zombie but the pain is better.
Still having alot of anxiety since I was really active.

What is the natural history, I have no real classic nodules, maybe one in the plantar fascia, just in front of the heel.
When does this nightmare end? Any thoughts on treatment??

My case is different but has some similarities...I also have Dup. in both hands for about 10 years. Had a fall which precipitated the DD in right hand and led to a badly contracted small finger. In left hand, multiple dimples and nodules developed without cords or contractures.

My left foot had plantar fasciitis for years going between active disease and remission.... I had multiple treatments of physical therapy, cortisone injections, orthodics, sleeping with corrective boot, etc.. My left foot developed at first a small nodule, then a second nodule right next to the first one... the nodules grew to about marble size....my foot was always hurting, and it was constantly burning and itching.

The plantar fasciitis went into remission in 2007. In November 2009 I decided to do radiation therapy on my left foot and left hand. Its been over a year, and for now, the disease has stopped progressing. The itching and burning on the bottom of my left foot has stopped, and the two nodules are almost gone...whats left of them is much softer and smaller...

On my left hand, the progression of the DD has also stopped, for now. I highly recommend RT for early stages of the disease. For me it has proven to be very successful.

01/01/2011 03:21
01/01/2011 03:21

Re: Pain, burning itching in soles. When does it stop?

Hi Fjellver Australia Calling. Have you investigated the possibility of "Heel Spur" . Google Heel Spur . This is also treated by RT .

01/02/2011 01:17

not registered

01/02/2011 01:17

not registered

Re: Pain, burning itching in soles. When does it stop?

with the burning in the feet and the Lyrica medication, it sounds like the doctor thinks you could have some peripheral neuropathy issues in the feet, it could all be caused by the nerves being irritated by everything going on

01/05/2011 23:39
01/05/2011 23:39
Re: Pain, burning itching in soles. When does it stop?

I have Dupuytrens in hands for about 10 years.
Took a climbing fall in Oct 2010 that triggered a resurgence of dupuytrens and plantar fasciitis in both feet.
In the feet this has now progressed to severe burning and pain when walking sometimes at rest.
Physical therapy and orthotics have not helped, did get an injection into one plantar fascis spot that least about a week.
Doc put me on Lyrica yesterday, feel like a zombie but the pain is better.
Still having alot of anxiety since I was really active.

What is the natural history, I have no real classic nodules, maybe one in the plantar fascia, just in front of the heel.
When does this nightmare end? Any thoughts on treatment??

My case is different but has some similarities...I also have Dup. in both hands for about 10 years. Had a fall which precipitated the DD in right hand and led to a badly contracted small finger. In left hand, multiple dimples and nodules developed without cords or contractures.

My left foot had plantar fasciitis for years going between active disease and remission.... I had multiple treatments of physical therapy, cortisone injections, orthodics, sleeping with corrective boot, etc.. My left foot developed at first a small nodule, then a second nodule right next to the first one... the nodules grew to about marble size....my foot was always hurting, and it was constantly burning and itching.

The plantar fasciitis went into remission in 2007. In November 2009 I decided to do radiation therapy on my left foot and left hand. Its been over a year, and for now, the disease has stopped progressing. The itching and burning on the bottom of my left foot has stopped, and the two nodules are almost gone...whats left of them is much softer and smaller...

On my left hand, the progression of the DD has also stopped, for now. I highly recommend RT for early stages of the disease. For me it has proven to be very successful.


Thanks for your story, I feel so alone, most Docs around here have never heard of Dup. of the feet.
Questions about RT; where and who did your RT and did they RT the entire foot and hand or just the nodules?


01/09/2011 05:40
01/09/2011 05:40
Re: Pain, burning itching in soles. When does it stop?


Thanks for your story, I feel so alone, most Docs around here have never heard of Dup. of the feet.
Questions about RT; where and who did your RT and did they RT the entire foot and hand or just the nodules?


I had RT at Scripps Hospital in LaJolla, California with Dr. Tripuraneni. His information is listed on the menu on the left side of this page. They did RT only to the area where there was nodules and active disease in both hand and foot.

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