Plantar fasciitis |
04/02/2017 23:19
04/02/2017 23:19
Plantar fasciitis
Since my last radiation in September I have had planter fasciitis that is very hard to get rid of. I believe that it's an inflammatory response to RT. I have rested, iced, compressed, elevated, wrapped and night splinted all to no avail. I have just ended a course of an oral steroid to see if that would help , and it did while I was on it but is soon as I went off it all my planter fasciitis symptoms came back.
I would like to know if a steroid shot is ever warranted? About 10 years before I developed LD I had two bouts with plantar fasciitis. Both times I received a steroid shot and it cleared up my planter fasciitis immediately. I am so tempted to do this now because planter fasciitis is really affecting the quality of my life. I can't go to the food store, I can't walk my dog, and work is difficult. Anything that requires walking or standing is extremely hard for me. My fibromas are not with giving me pain my fasciitis is what's making my day so difficult. Painful stuff.
My DPM said that she can give me an injection just above the fascia to kind of "wash" the fascia in a little bit of steroid to try to calm some of this inflammation down. The shot would not be into the PF but just above it
My other thought was to try ultrasound, although from what I've read this is a little bit invasive to the fascia also
Any thoughts or input would be great. Thanks, Jeanne
04/03/2017 06:52
spanishbuddha  Administrator
04/03/2017 06:52
spanishbuddha  Administrator
Re: Plantar fasciitis
Sorry to hear this, seems like you've been having a tough time following the treatment. Ironically RT is also used to treat PF but I don't think this is to be recommended now for you. I suffered PF for a couple of years, it was miserable, I wore Fitflop sandals everywhere, even to formal functions, so finding footwear that is tolerable for you helps, but can be expensive as I recall working through many brands of footwear before settling on one. I also wore a night boot to bed, it keeps the sole stretched; like hand splinting it can be uncomfortable but you get used to it, and although it was not a panacea it helped the morning pain and discomfort. ESWT is also used to treat PF maybe that can be an option for you?
04/03/2017 10:52
04/03/2017 10:52
Re: Plantar fasciitis
Thanks SB, I will ask my doctor about ESWT. What was your thought on the small amount of steroid being injected? Should I be THAT concerned over a steroid injection ? I remember the first course of action for my nodules was a steroid injection, it didn't work. But for PF for me it was always worked like magic.
04/03/2017 15:21
spanishbuddha  Administrator
04/03/2017 15:21
spanishbuddha  Administrator
Re: Plantar fasciitis
If the steroid shot worked for you before it is probably worth trying. My own experience of conditions like this is that something else needs to change as well, the original cause of the condition needs to change, or it may always come back. Identifying and resolving that is not so easy. It may need a change in footwear, strengthening leg muscles, or stretching the same and tendons, or a change in exercise routine or something else. A podiatrist who does gait analysis may help with this, but my own experience is they prescribe expensive orthotics that may not help, whereas simpler gel arch supports may be all that is needed. However LD and arch supports often do not go well together 
Edited 04/03/17 18:21
04/03/2017 23:57
04/03/2017 23:57
Re: Plantar fasciitis
I am pretty sure the cause of it was the onset of inflammation after my radiation treatment. I wasn't having any issues with planter fasciitis until about a month after my last treatment. Then because of the inflammation my gait changed, it' was a cascade effect. Also as you said not being able to really have a lot of support around my arches due to my fibromas makes this difficult to treat. All I read about is supporting the arch to help with plantar fasciitis, what a catch 22! This is going to be something that's difficult for me but I am going to exhaust all my measures to try to make this livable.
I am in the middle of addressing my orthotic issue. I had them made and then tried them for a week and had to send them back , they were too built up in my arches, big surprise huh?! lol. I'm waiting for them to return after adjustments and will see how that works out. In the meantime I've tried some gel inserts and cut out right where my fibromas are... In the arch! I am also going to start physical therapy and hope that helps. I am hoping the PT can teach me some taping techniques that I can modify to give myself some sort of arch support. I have got the night splint and there is always ice... Love ice. If all that doesn't work I'm going for the shot. Thansk for your input, it's always helpful I will keep you posted. Jeanne