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Plantar Fibroma
08/17/2010 20:25
08/17/2010 20:25
Plantar Fibroma

Hello All,
Im a 36 year old male, been dealing with nodules for the past 6 years. After 1 unsuccessful surgery to remove them, they came back mad. Now i am starting to get a nodule on my other arch. When i go to specialists about the pain, with my appearance (got several tattoos and piercings) i get stereotyped as a druggie who is lookin for a fix. I went in today for injections in both arches of cortisone to try to shrink the nodules. I am really at a wall here, i mean the pain is real...and i know these podiatrists should realize that. I just want some relief. My life has completely come to a stand still. Oh and ontop of this, i have 3 large nodules formin my my right hand ..in which my profession is tattoos, and i have trouble holding the machine to do a tattoo. I guess why i am here, if anyone can give me some good home therapy ...just something.. I dont have anyone to talk to about this kinda pain....so when i tell family they are just like oh ok... i know this is a bunch of rambling, with really NO question in all this. Well if anything i was able to vent ! Thanks

08/18/2010 02:29
08/18/2010 02:29
Re: Plantar Fibroma

There is help. It likely will not make your hand and feet 100% again, but don't give up.
It sounds like you could benefit from some of the treatments described on this site. Go the the links in the left column - Ledderhose's disease and Dupuytren's disease might apply. Find out all you can there and read relative postings on this Forum.

This is a weird disease. Everybody has a different experience and every hand is different.

Be sure to come back and ask specific questions about what you think might be options for you.

10/24/2010 04:08
10/24/2010 04:08

Re: Plantar Fibroma

I mentioned this cream in another thread, it has varapamil and lidoderm and it numbs your nodules on feet or hands so you don't feel the pain. A podiatrist or maybe a MD can RX, you need to go to a compound pharmacist to mix it.

An alternative was a cream mixture containing1/3 each DMSO, Vitamin E, and SSKI. If you can get the SSKI you might be able to mix this one yourself. Then the instructions were to rub into skin B.I.D. for 3-6 mon.

I personally was leary of the DMSO so I went with the varapamil mixture, safe if applied thinly as rx'd and it works with no side effects.


Edited 10/24/10 07:09

personally   nodules   pharmacist   treatments   injections   different   podiatrists   instructions   experience   unsuccessful   completely   profession   stereotyped   podiatrist   varapamil   appearance   containing1   alternative   Ledderhose   specialists