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Plantar Fibromatosis
12/29/2005 10:52

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12/29/2005 10:52

not registered

Plantar Fibromatosis

I had what I thought was a Plantars Wart on the ball of my foot for the last couple of years. Lately the area would burn and become inflammed at times. I went to a dermatologist who chose to just "shave" the top surface. In the 20 days since (Dec 9th) it has been extremely painful. The area where he excised it has not healed over and the tissue actually protrudes slightly through the eraser size hole left in the skin surface. The pathology results cited Plantar Fibromatosis and that it needs to be re-excised. I did online searchs and continued to see the term Ledderhose disease, which is how I fould your forum. The derm has now referred me to a plastic surgeon who specializes in hands and feet to have it removed. Is that the type doctor I should go to? Is there anything I should know or relay to the doctor? How can something so small be so painful? Any advice before I proceed?

01/28/2006 14:29


01/28/2006 14:29



Hi Gary,

if the doctor is specialized on hand and feet he ought to be the right type of doctor without, of course, being able to judge how good he is.

We can't give medical advice on this forum, that's what doctors are for. But if the area is inflamed, some patients reported that regularly icing it helped somewhat. If you develop new nodules quickly after surgery in other areas then they might be triggered by this surgery, a not unusal effect though we haven't seen statistics how often it happens on an average. Obviously it happens to some people, while others have no extension to other areas nor recurrence in the same area.

If you tend to develop quick recurrence or extenions, more surgery might possibly start a vicious circle. You might discuss this with your doctor, at least that is what I would do. A drastic illustration of such repetitive surgery is the history of Stefan Horn (on our surgery page under "Related Web Sites").


03/29/2007 23:44

not registered

03/29/2007 23:44

not registered

Re: Plantar Fibromatosis

I have had good success after one session of laser therapy to reduce the inflammation and pain. You might consider trying that.

05/12/2007 02:55
05/12/2007 02:55

Re: Plantar Fibromatosis


I had what I thought was a Plantars Wart on the ball of my foot for the last couple of years. Lately the area would burn and become inflammed at times. I went to a dermatologist who chose to just "shave" the top surface. In the 20 days since (Dec 9th) it has been extremely painful. The area where he excised it has not healed over and the tissue actually protrudes slightly through the eraser size hole left in the skin surface. The pathology results cited Plantar Fibromatosis and that it needs to be re-excised. I did online searchs and continued to see the term Ledderhose disease, which is how I fould your forum. The derm has now referred me to a plastic surgeon who specializes in hands and feet to have it removed. Is that the type doctor I should go to? Is there anything I should know or relay to the doctor? How can something so small be so painful? Any advice before I proceed?

Gary? If you study up on feet, nerves, etc = you will find ANY type of surgery on the bottom of the feet is tenuous. Go to the Body Works exhibit, or look online at a nerve chart, then check out the feet.

Rate of recurrence for Ledderhosen is extreme in most people. The feet are HARD to heal, and you better consider this is no minor surgery. It is really almost dangerous, with many risks. Then, the stuff could come back strong, and you have nerves cut, damaged, then it comes back. Uh, oh.

Now what? You are smoked. How awful this stuff is, but if you can move around, motor about with some pain, get something for pain mgmt.

Pain would be legendary if you have severe issues like I do with my feet.

Study UP! Don't go off and trust one person on this. I've studied UP and DOWN. I would like someone to come forward, explain how severe their problem was, then SHOW me how much success they had with removal on the feet. I haven't found ONE yet (short of removal of one small issue). The big, embedded nodules/bumps are quite a different issue altogether.

Think about it - NO = study up on this - you'll find what I'm telling you is gospel.

Good luck =


11/09/2007 22:45

not registered

11/09/2007 22:45

not registered

Re: Plantar Fibromatosis


You need to go to a good Podiatrist not a plastic surgeon - I was a little liery when you said your prior doctor shaved it off - - he should have known what it was and should have known that you can't shave it off. First they try to break it up and if that doesn't work then surgery would be the next step which my son had a couple of years ago and is doing fine - he had the discomfort and burning as well - his was on the bottom of the foot along the fascia so they removed part of it - our doctor is in NY - if you need more information please feel free to contact me at Coffee56@aol.com.


surgery   Fibromatosis   information   surface   protrudes   specializes   recurrence   statistics   pathology   something   specialized   illustration   inflammation   dermatologist   Ledderhose   inflammed   repetitive   Ledderhosen   re-excised   Plantar