Question about deep tissue massage and other treatment options |
04/24/2011 21:15
04/24/2011 21:15
Question about deep tissue massage and other treatment options
I have been getting deep tissue massage to break up the nodules. Does anyone have any input good or bad. I have also been triing ultrasound. II have read somewhere that the technique they use to break up kidney stones works. I have not found any doctor that does it in this area. I really want the radiation it sounds like. I live in Ohio boundering WV and Ky, I have noy had much success in finding treatment. I stepped on a nail 2 years ago. I had surgery a year ago. I had a reaction to a foriegn body. Now plantar fibromatosis. Thanks, Teresa
04/25/2011 20:54
04/25/2011 20:54
Re: Question about deep tissue massage and other treatment options
tboggs: I have been getting deep tissue massage to break up the nodules. Does anyone have any input good or bad. I have also been triing ultrasound. II have read somewhere that the technique they use to break up kidney stones works. I have not found any doctor that does it in this area. I really want the radiation it sounds like. I live in Ohio boundering WV and Ky, I have noy had much success in finding treatment. I stepped on a nail 2 years ago. I had surgery a year ago. I had a reaction to a foriegn body. Now plantar fibromatosis. Thanks, Teresa
Hi Theresa, i haven't been on here for a while but i saw your post and it rang a bell to me. My 7 year old daughter has PF that was bought on after she stood on a carpet gripper rod at the age of 2.5. She has had one lot of surgery to remove what was said at the time to be a bit of reaction tissue only to find on histopathology that it was a pF. We are now in the position that we ae waiting for a referal to another consultant for further surgery, although i have to say both hubby and i are VERY wary about that as the regrowth rate is very high. There is alot of information out on this site and forum - one thing that has really helped Ellen is massage using a tennis ball. Not every day and not when it is hurting badly but it does seem to help (just an idea for you).
Out of interest if you don't mind me asking do you have duputrens or ledderhose in the family? we have it on both sides and my great Aunty had both of it in her feet and hands.
04/26/2011 00:15
04/26/2011 00:15
Re: Question about deep tissue massage and other treatment options
tboggs: I have been getting deep tissue massage to break up the nodules. Does anyone have any input good or bad. I have also been triing ultrasound. II have read somewhere that the technique they use to break up kidney stones works. I have not found any doctor that does it in this area. I really want the radiation it sounds like. I live in Ohio boundering WV and Ky, I have noy had much success in finding treatment. I stepped on a nail 2 years ago. I had surgery a year ago. I had a reaction to a foriegn body. Now plantar fibromatosis. Thanks, Teresa
Hi Theresa, i haven't been on here for a while but i saw your post and it rang a bell to me. My 7 year old daughter has PF that was bought on after she stood on a carpet gripper rod at the age of 2.5. She has had one lot of surgery to remove what was said at the time to be a bit of reaction tissue only to find on histopathology that it was a pF. We are now in the position that we ae waiting for a referal to another consultant for further surgery, although i have to say both hubby and i are VERY wary about that as the regrowth rate is very high. There is alot of information out on this site and forum - one thing that has really helped Ellen is massage using a tennis ball. Not every day and not when it is hurting badly but it does seem to help (just an idea for you).
Out of interest if you don't mind me asking do you have duputrens or ledderhose in the family? we have it on both sides and my great Aunty had both of it in her feet and hands.
Thank you for the advise. I really appreciate it. As far as I know their is no family history of it my mom died at 50 and all but 1 grandparent when I was 5, my dad has been in Japan since I was 6 with little contact. I agree with you about surgery. I do not like the odds. I am looking into RT. Best of luck and let me know how things go with your daughter. I could not imagine dealing with this at that age. Teresa
04/26/2011 00:17
04/26/2011 00:17
Re: Question about deep tissue massage and other treatment options
spanishbuddha: Professor Seegenschmiedt recommended using a massage ball, see the photo in this thread:
Thank you. I saw one in a catalog and thought about ordering it, but was not sure if it would help. I love this site. It has been a godsend. It is so hard getting any helpful information anywhere else. Teresa
04/27/2011 21:16
04/27/2011 21:16
Re: Question about deep tissue massage and other treatment options
tboggs: I have been getting deep tissue massage to break up the nodules. Does anyone have any input good or bad. I have also been triing ultrasound. II have read somewhere that the technique they use to break up kidney stones works. I have not found any doctor that does it in this area. I really want the radiation it sounds like. I live in Ohio boundering WV and Ky, I have noy had much success in finding treatment. I stepped on a nail 2 years ago. I had surgery a year ago. I had a reaction to a foriegn body. Now plantar fibromatosis. Thanks, Teresa
You should definitively consider RT as treatment of choice even after surgery ! Its a very successful treatment and has completely stopped and even improved my condition on BOTH FEET.
The person most knowleable is Prof. Seegenschmiedt, who was my physician in Essen; he has now moved to HAMBURG and is easily avaliable under his E-mail: . As far as I know they have treated over 100 cases with only a few not responding to RT. A recent patient has described his experience with the Prof. very similar to my personal experience :
Good luck with your situation, Larry, and keep us informed aboit your further decisions and experiences !