Repeating RT treatment |
01/21/2017 11:34
spanishbuddha Administrator
01/21/2017 11:34
spanishbuddha Administrator
Repeating RT treatment
A topic that often comes up is whether it is possible to, or worth repeating Radiation Therapy treatment after signs of recurrence following a previous apparently successful treatment.
A subsequent RT treatment to an area outside the field previously irradiated is usually considered to be OK.
But there appear to be no clear guidelines or studies for retreatment in a previously irradiated field. ProfsS in Germany is reported to perform a half treatment of 5x3Gy in specific cases subject to personal circumstances.
Dr Richard Shaffer in the U.K. has written an interesting and useful guide on this for patients:
01/22/2017 07:57
wach Administrator
01/22/2017 07:57
wach Administrator
Re: Repeating RT treatment
60 Gy is the typical dose for cancer treatment. It's obviously also tolerable but increases the risk of more severe side effects. The 60 Gy are justified for a lethal disease, maybe not for a benign as Dupuytren's, although there are no definite guidelines.
01/22/2017 21:10
spanishbuddha Administrator
01/22/2017 21:10
spanishbuddha Administrator
Re: Repeating RT treatment
wach: 60 Gy is the typical dose for cancer treatment. It's obviously also tolerable but increases the risk of more severe side effects. The 60 Gy are justified for a lethal disease, maybe not for a benign as Dupuytren's, although there are no definite guidelines.
OK, but Dr Shaffer does not advocate 60Gy instead a max of 45Gy cumulative with the retreatment. This is the same as ProfS.
Edited 01/22/17 23:11