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Side effects of radiation therapy?
01/01/2011 01:48
01/01/2011 01:48

Side effects of radiation therapy?

Hi All
Just wondering if anyone has any information about potential side-effects of the type of radiation therapy applied for these conditions? It appears as though RT is the only effective treatment, but my concern is what effect this might have on healthy cells in the long-term. The data available from the experience with this disease is only 10 years old, so I am interested in any longer term findings relating to the treatment of other diseases using similar RT...

The results of RT reported by patients on this forum are certainly encouraging, so I'll most likely invest in a trip to be treated by Prof Seegenschmiedt in Hamburg, provided I'm convinced there isn't a risk of getting a secondary cancer.

I'll do some digging about longer term studies and share what comes up with this forum, but if you can point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate your help!


01/03/2011 23:22
01/03/2011 23:22
Re: Side effects of radiation therapy?

I visited the radiation oncology department at the University of Minnesota two weeks ago. They've yet to do any RT for Dupuytren's or Ledderhose, but they seemed to know a fair amount about it. I was very impressed with the preparation they went through to research the state of the art prior to my appointment.

I brought a packet of information with me that I gathered from this web site and with help from others in this forum. They read through it during my appointment and said they knew several of the people listed in the clinic list of of RT providers in the US. They said they'd call them to get more information about specifics of the procedure. I was very impressed with this too.

They told me that the downside of RT would be an increased risk for skin cancer, and estimated it at 1 in 500. Based on other things I've read, that seems high to me. They also told me that RT would increase the healing time should I ever get surgery at some point.

They agreed with me that the risk is worth the possible benefit and have agreed to give me RT. I'm waiting to hear back from them and my insurance company.


01/04/2011 01:33
01/04/2011 01:33

Re: Side effects of radiation therapy?

Austalia Calling. Hi . I was interested in the claim that you were given about the skin cancer. You mention that the institution have never given the treatment which is a very low dose of RT. It is more likely the skin Cancer if attributed to RT was from a very high dose. You might casually ask for some evidence on the claim to help you make up your mind. I satisfied myself when I spoke at length with Prof. Seegenschiedt the risk was very minor and age is also a factor. There as risk going out in the "midday sun" .Have you read the risk of cancer on the literature /Radiotherapy on this site. Put you mind at rest. You dont mention you age.
Food for thought.

Edited 01/04/11 03:37

preparation   information   Seegenschiedt   therapy   treatment   side-effects   attributed   appreciate   radiation   interested   conditions   literature   Radiotherapy   impressed   encouraging   Seegenschmiedt   institution   University   department   appointment