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Stretches and Spiky massage ball.
02/07/2014 23:03
02/07/2014 23:03
Stretches and Spiky massage ball.

Hi again all.

Until i can get shoe inserts and money for RT or treatment im thinking of trying some simple cheap things to calm down fibromas.

Vitamin e rubbed in and the use of a spikey massage ball as Prof S recommended to someone here. Has anyone got one of these balls i went to order one on amazon and they do harder ones soft ones etc...any ideas?!

Also people mention stretching. What stretches exactly are said to help? I can't find much info.

Thanks all

02/08/2014 12:39


02/08/2014 12:39


Re: Stretches and Spiky massage ball.

I have a yellow spiky ball. I didn't get it on Amazon so don't know if it's the same. It is quite firm although has some give. I used it for plantar fasciitus but would guess it's too hard for fibromas.

Some stretches for plantar fasciitis: 1) using the hand grab toes and just below ball of foot and pull up to stretch the sole; 2) angle barefoot foot into corner between floor and wall with heel on floor - this already pulls the toes up slightly as in the previous stretch, but now lean in with the leg and feel the sole and calf stretch; 3) stand with toes and ball of foot on edge of step with heels overhanging, now drop the heels (extra points if you don't fall off), you can 'bounce' like this but be careful you don't overstretch the sole.

02/08/2014 13:53
02/08/2014 13:53
Re: Stretches and Spiky massage ball.

Hi Spanishbudda.

Great info than you. can i ask do you know if this is the same stretches for Ledderhose/planter fibromas?

Im a little unsure if the massage is meant to be firm or soft.I assume deep to get to the fibromas.

Thanks for your reply

02/09/2014 18:18


02/09/2014 18:18


Re: Stretches and Spiky massage ball.

Hi Spanishbudda.

Great info than you. can i ask do you know if this is the same stretches for Ledderhose/planter fibromas?

Im a little unsure if the massage is meant to be firm or soft.I assume deep to get to the fibromas.

Thanks for your reply
Hi prezzac

I'm sorry but I don't know if these same stretches, used for plantar fasciitis, are for plantar fibromas. I think perhaps a podiatrist could advise on this. Maybe they have to be adjusted for the specific condition.


plantar   fasciitis   podiatrist   adjusted   massage   condition   Ledderhose   overstretch   fasciitus   overhanging   fibromas   specific   prezzacc   Spanishbudda   stretch   treatment   Stretches   recommended   stretching   previous