05/12/2007 02:43

Re: Surgery or Not?
I have Ledderhose on both insoles, about 3 years ago, my Dr. said that the surgery would be worse on me, than living with it. I did get orthotic insoles made and wear in all my shoes. My right foot has stayed about the same. About 1 inch in Dia. and is just sore and tender. My Left foot However has continued to grow, and is now about 2 1/2 inches egg shaped. I can no way walk barefooted, and have to wear my orthotic's all the time. Over time it has grown so much, I've had to grind a hole in my 1/2 inch insole, just to help relieve it. I've read and heard so many negitives about the Surgery, that I'm kinda reluctant to do it. But then it's so Painful, I almost have to do it. Any suggestions or Do's or Don'ts would be very helpful. My Hand Surgeon is referring me to a foot Specialist. I see him in about 2 weeks. Any Questions I might inquire about? Thanks for any help any one can give.
T-Bone - I would first ask this = do you have DC on your hands, and if so, have you had surgery ? I've had SEVEN hand/finger surgeries, with multiple work on two areas (RATE OF RECURRENCE). You have to determine if you are on of those who have a HIGH rate of the problem returning.
I have a high rate of recurrence. I have about 13 knots/bumps on my feet, mostly on bottom and side of feet. I am 51 years old. There is a chance you could have this TOUGH surgery and within a year, they could return. Now, you would have healing, scars, nerve issues (trust me, they can't avoid all those nerves), then they come back. Now what ?
You are messed up deluxe then. There is NO NO NO proven results from surgery, it's all hit-and-miss. How old are you ?
Unless you are crippled, you should consider the consequences of this type of surgery. man, the nerves are EVERYWHERE in the bottom of your feet. Even if they can remove the nodules, guess what ? They could be back before your feet even heal. I know someone that happened to and that is exactly why I am WAITING until some break-thru on this Ledderhosen garbage. I know it's painful, but you are most definitely taking a big risk.
I know how you feel. I've said many times "Screw IT! I'm gonna get all this cleaned up and removed!" But, then I look at the nerves in the feet, look where my issues are (all over the bottom and sides of my feet, then I say, NO WAY, NO HOW!" Wolfie? Don't think I'm trying to tell people what to do, but you even know I am right about this.
It is a crapshoot, but the downside is this = you will never be the same, even if you heal completely. There may be a few minor successes, but the rate of recurrence with this crap is 50-75%, and I am one of those.
I am meeting with my specialist this MONDAY, May 14th to set up surgery for my right index finger. Oh, the one he just operated on 14 MONTHS AGO. YEP. It's back again, top AND bottom. Another attempt to remove.
Hands are very much different than the feet. My advice ? DON"T TOUCH THOSE FEET !!!!
Good luck.