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Surgery Recovery Process
08/17/2007 11:48

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08/17/2007 11:48

not registered

Surgery Recovery Process

Hi all,

Just thought I would give you an update on my recovery process.....It has been 3 weeks today since my surgery......and I had my fiberglass cast removed on Tuesday. Got to see the incision for the first time. In fact I took a picture of it. The incision starts on the ball of the foot is a bit wavy and goes about to the start of the heel. I counted at least 20 stitches but did not ask how many there actually were.
(I don't remember if I had mentioned in a previous post or not but after they did my surgery I did get to see the nodules they had removed from my foot It was a little disturbing but interesting to actually be able to see them)
I will return to the Dr. on Wednesday the 22nd to have the stitches removed, and hopefully do away with the cast all together. As of right now everything seems to be healing quite nicely. The recovery process has not been too bad........the pain has been tolerable (with the help of the Vicodin) The worst part of all of it has been the fact that I have to sit around all day and the cast is quite annoying. I am used to being quite mobile and active so to sit all day everyday is tough. However IF the surgery is successful and there is no reoccurence it will all be well worth it. According to my Dr. removing the entire band versus just the nodules themselves should prevent reoccurence so I am hoping he is correct and I won't have future problems. I guess only time will tell. I will keep you all posted on the outcome.

Someone had asked how many we are and where we are from.
I am a 45 year old female from Illinois in the US.

Have A GREAT DAY Everyone:)

Cindy (aka Nana)

08/18/2007 18:55
08/18/2007 18:55
Re: Surgery Recovery Process

Hi Cindy,

Glad to hear you're doing well. I would love to see the pictures. What did the nodgles look like? I guess I picture the way they make a baseball with strings all wound up to make the ball.

Since it was on your foot, I take it your toes were curled in. Are they straight now? and Do you feel any relief from the release?

I'll pray for God's speed with your recovery. I know it drives me crazy to sit still. There isn't much to do but look around at everything I need to do !!

Please keep us up to date on your progress. Best Wishes, Sandie

08/19/2007 17:05

not registered

08/19/2007 17:05

not registered

Re: Surgery Recovery Process

Hi Sandie,

Thank you for the well wishes :)

I did not actually get pictures of the nodules, I just got to see them........The picture is of the incision.....I have it on my cell phone and I am not sure how to get it from the phone to the puter otherwise I could send it to you. ( I should ask the Dr. if he has pictures of the nodules, maybe I will ask him that on my next visit)
The nodules themselves (I had 6 altogether) were more like a string of slimy junk with hunks of white gristle looking rocks throughout the slime. The nodules themselves were not stringy at all. I know this sounds really gross but it kind of reminded me on a bunch of snot.
As for the toes being curled in........I did not have the curling of the toes, it had not gotten that far yet. I am a retail store manager and am on my feet at least 10-12 hours per day and I was have severe pain. I would come home at the end of the day practically in tears with my feet hurting and burning so bad I could barely walk. I am still in a cast, on crutches and haven't had the stitches removed yet..........I am still pretty much immobile and sit with the foot elevated except to get up for the bathroom or short hops around the house to change positions so it is too soon to tell if there will be any relief and how successful the surgery has actually been. I return to the Dr. on Wed the 22nd and if all is well the stitches will be removed at that time.
I will let you know how it goes.

Well I suppose I should go........I have several emails to respond to.
Thanks again for the well wishes and I will definetly keep you all updated.

Have a GREAT day :0

Recovery   fiberglass   disturbing   everything   According   reoccurence   incision   themselves   practically   Process   removed   pictures   successful   Surgery   altogether   throughout   interesting   actually   stitches   nodules