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Therapies for Ledderhose
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10/17/2005 07:16

not registered

10/17/2005 07:16

not registered

Therapies for Ledderhose

My age is 52. I am a dance teacher and I hope I can continue my work.

Eight years ago I have been operated on my right hand, since five years I have Ledderhose in my left foot, as a dancer it gives pain in the mornings, I have been to see Prof. R. K. Marti in the hospital AMC in Amsterdam. I had a talk with him five years ago. His advice: no operating. But what are the options? By the way during my teaching in my balletschool, I don’t have troubles with my foot.


10/20/2005 12:56


10/20/2005 12:56



Dear Martin,
first of all I would recommend to rely on what your doctor recommends because he knows you and can see & touch your feet. In case he is not familiar with Ledderhose, there are several options which you might discuss with your doctor.

- initially good shoes and/or soft inlays might help to reduce pain
- when nodules are still quite small, radiation therapy might be able to stop the disease
- when the nodules start bending toes NA can break the contraction
- actually there have been anecdotal reports that dancing helped to keep feets mobile
- recently we saw a report form a single patient (!) that a cryo therapy stopped the pain and downsized the nodules. One patient also reported a successful laser therapy in Hamburg.
- injection of collagenase is in phase III of FDA approval, it works similar to NA.

Good luck to you!

09/27/2006 02:06
09/27/2006 02:06

New med for ledderhose pain !!

Hello to all:

I have DC & severe Ledderhose on both feet. Progressive, I've had it on my feet for about 25 years, I am 50. I have lived with it, now painfully, but still able to do most things. I've had surgery on my fingers for Dupuytrens, pips, etc. Several times after surgery, they returned. Had them done again.

However, faced with foot surgery, I have watched for years, seeing several foot, sports and ortho specialists, including a plastic surgeon. The foot surgery is just too dangerous, especially with a 50-75% return of the issues in the foot.

I am now taking a new medication that is WORKING GREAT for my pain. It is fairly new, my doctor said try it out, non-narcotic, pain BLOCKER, and I am ecstatic about the results. Recently started the med, played golf, ran three miles, walked, moved about, pivoted, all the moves that put pressure on these nodules on my feet. PAINLESS, I mean, I feel great.

The medicine I take is called "LYRICA". A pain BLOCKER, it prevents the stabbing, burning, tearing sensation on my feet. I literally can do whatever I want as long as I take the drug. SAFE and non-narcotic, it is going to help MANY of us with DC and Ledderhose. I told my MD that he needs to tell other MD's about how great this stuff works. I am so damn happy with this medication.

I hope this helps you = go DIRECTLY to your doctor and tell them you want this drug. It was originally prescribed for people with severe diabetic pain and for people with 'shingles'. However, I think that there will be MANY more uses for this drug in the area of pain management.

FANTASTIC is the word, I've had this condition for half of my life. Only now can I go back to enjoying my life. Surgery on the feet is absolutely risky and dangerous. NO NEW INFO for Ledderhose.

Ask for this drug, LYRICA. It has literally given me a new way to live. Maybe in a few years there will be new technology to correct/prevent Ledderhose, but until then, this is the best option I have ever been presented with. I am SO thankful to my doctor, and I feel he could help SO many others. I am supposed to see him in two weeks and give him my opinion about how this works. IT WORKS and relieves my pain, the only thing I have found other than Vicodin or Hydrocodone meds.

LYRICA = go to your doctor and you will get IMMEDIATE relief. MUCH better than dangerous surgery.

Steve (DC and Ledderhose for 25 years)

COMMENT FROM FORUM AUDITOR: to us this mail sounds like advertizing. For the time being we leave it in the forum but it is very close to getting removed.

11/27/2006 19:49
11/27/2006 19:49
Re: Therapies for Ledderhose

Lyrica is a drug used primaily for partial seizures. Its a controlled substance. It has however been approved by the US FDA for use in treating diabetic peripheral neuropathy pain and post herpetic neuralgia. It has also been used for surgical dental pain and other pain syndromes. It is non-narcotic. I could find nothing in the literature for it's use in LD or Dups but US doctors will often try off lable management

11/28/2006 04:06
11/28/2006 04:06

Re: Therapies for Ledderhose

The LYRICA might be made / designed for other uses, but it's regular use seems to help the 'pain' element associated with Ledderhosen (feet), so I could not tell you why it works, it just seems to help with the sharp, stabbing pain of everyday garbage. I work out, run, as long as I take the LYRICA, it seems to help 'block out' the painful 'fat' feeling of lumps, nerves, all that.

Don't know if that is what it was originally designed for, but it seems to help with the painful aspect of Ledderhosen and my feet, don' know about anyone else. I don't care what it was invented for, it seems to help me and seems to block pain during times I KNOW I am going to hurt from this stuff on my feet. It seems to help, not much as far as side effects (some sleepiness occasionally), but no major changes. Thought it might help some others who want to avoid the disaster of foot surgery (and it is quite obvious, at this point and with the high rate of recurrence), it would be an absolute ' must-try' for foot pain until something else comes along that offers us something better than dangerous, and mostly unsuccessful, foot surgeries.

thanks for your input. Try it out. Gotta keep trying until a cure or better treatment comes along. My only suggestion? AVOID foot surgery at all costs, you are going to be very sorry, as it comes BACK with a vengeance. And you risk infection, damaged nerves, etc. Don't do it.

LYRICA = try that first.


01/05/2007 15:56
Luba M.

not registered

01/05/2007 15:56
Luba M.

not registered

Re: Therapies for Ledderhose

I have two nodules on the arch of my left food...I started with one seven years ago and then noticed a second one growing right next to it....they were also getting larger and harder..... My DPM gave me a cortisone shot into the nodules (hurt like h....), but it seems to have shrunk the nodules to about half their original size and what's left is much softer....I'm suppose to go back in six months for another shot.


Dear Martin,
first of all I would recommend to rely on what your doctor recommends because he knows you and can see & touch your feet. In case he is not familiar with Ledderhose, there are several options which you might discuss with your doctor.

- initially good shoes and/or soft inlays might help to reduce pain
- when nodules are still quite small, radiation therapy might be able to stop the disease
- when the nodules start bending toes NA can break the contraction
- actually there have been anecdotal reports that dancing helped to keep feets mobile
- recently we saw a report form a single patient (!) that a cryo therapy stopped the pain and downsized the nodules. One patient also reported a successful laser therapy in Hamburg.
- injection of collagenase is in phase III of FDA approval, it works similar to NA.

Good luck to you!

02/20/2007 03:43
02/20/2007 03:43
Re: Therapies for Ledderhose

I am 51 and recently diagnosed with Ledderhose. Both feet involved with larger nodule in the right. Doctor told me that surgery was only real option and that it was not a good option. I went to an accupunturist where she inserted needles into the nodules and applied electricity. I went twice a week at first and after about 3 months the nodules were virtually gone. I then ceased the treatment and within a month or so they came back. I have since resumed treatment and they are going down and getting more plyable again (and less painful).

I was wondering if anyone else have ever tried this. I want to use all conservative methods first.

I also have dupuytren's in my right palm and am treating the same way and it seems to help. I have not used this before so I am not sure if I have posted twice.


02/20/2007 07:24

not registered

02/20/2007 07:24

not registered

Re: Therapies for Ledderhose

Sounds interesting! Please keep posting your experience. It would be interesting to know whether it affects the tumor or just shrinks the typically swollen sourounding tissue. But anyway if it is a relieve, it's good.

Two other simple means that I recently heard of and that might be effective are extensive massaging with a ball (wooden, plastic, whatever) and taking NAC. For NAC Dupuytren e.V. will soon start collecting data from patients who are taking it. We will inform all members of this forum when we are ready to start.


02/21/2007 04:02
02/21/2007 04:02
Re: Therapies for Ledderhose


It in fact shrank the nodules. It was so significant that I thought it was gone and not going to re-appear (which is why I stop the treatment). Since I have been back I again notice not only shrinkage, but a real softening of the nodule. My plan is to keep this up and if I can manage it (i.e., keep it in a nominal state) I'll stick with the program.

Not sure where this disease process goes from here so I'll keep a watchful eye on any new break throughs. The injections sound interesting, but it appears that I am getting a similiar result with accupunture.

I also have the knuckle pads problem on two fingers which I am also treating with accupuncture. It seems to help, but not as significantly as the help I have gotten for the ledderhose problem on my feet.


03/29/2007 23:40

not registered

03/29/2007 23:40

not registered

Re: Therapies for Ledderhose

I have a nodule on my left foot and recently it flaired up where I wasn't able to walk on my foot for about 3 days until I went for laser therapy. After one treatment I was able to walk on my foot. I continued with two more treatments, every other day. Although the nodules did not disappear the pain was gone. They are still sore if pessure is applied. I am interested in trying the accupuncture considering the great results posted. Thank you for sharing!

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recently   non-narcotic   Ledderhosen   interesting   Wolfgang   significantly   contraction   therapy   Therapies   corticosteroids   treatment   nodules   Ledderhose   surgery   dupuytren-online   collagenase   unsuccessful   accupuncture   dangerous   accupunturist