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Therapies for Ledderhose
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11/03/2007 15:16
11/03/2007 15:16
Re: ..corticosteroids effects and in which stage?

I was advised by one specialist (on the basis of email contacts) to use corticosteroids against my upcoming Ledderhose. My Ledderhouse is only a few months old now and consist only of one nodule. Could corticosteroids stop the process? Result in downsizing? Do they use it in an early stage as well or do they normally wait wait as long as possible?

Edited at 03.11.07 17:43

11/03/2007 16:16


11/03/2007 16:16


corticosteroids effects and in which stage?

Hi Franky, it really depends on how you are suffering. If the "ball" is not a ball really and it doesn't bother you when walking, I personally wouldn't do anything (except maybe having radiotherapy). If the size is already too big a steriod would likely soften and shrink the nodule. This is not a cure, it will come back. When? Very hard to predict, maybe after 5 years, maybe after 5 months.

You might also have a look at http://www.dupuytren-online.info/ledderhose_therapies.html and http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytren_steroids.html .


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