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Treatment For my plantar fasciitis
04/14/2017 16:09
04/14/2017 16:09
Treatment For my plantar fasciitis

Hi all, it's me again Jeanne. I recently went to a new podiatrist because I had very stubborn planter fasciitis since my RT. I have had inflammation since RT around my whole foot, but my fibromas are stable and oddly enough not what's causing me pain. It's my heel and everything around my fibromas. This new podiatrist that I went to explained that inflamation can shorten and tighten my fascia hence creating planter fasciitis. This made sense to me and explains why my pain doesn't feel "fibroma like". He suggested an MRI, and if it is planter fasciitis and my test results point to that summation, he suggested electric shock wave or ESWT for the plantar fasciitis. He feels three treatments would eliminate my pain. I agree with him that the RT caused the inflammation which cause the planter fasciitis. But I am not sure how I feel about the electric shock wave therapy
I worry because it causes inflammation to assist in wound healing , that's the premise of it : to aid in wound healing. I worry that that might kick up some "Over healing" in my case and may lead to another fibroma. I asked the doctor if he thought this would be the case and he said he didn't think so because it's actually given right above the fascia and not directly to the fascia. He was happy with my footwear and orthotics and didn't suggest changing anything about them. He suggested taping my heel in the meantime while we wait for MRI results. And Aleve, maybe compression socks if they are tolerable. And he prescribed me verapamil gel.
I felt it was the most thorough exam I've had on my foot by any podiatrist or ankle surgeon. He measured my nodules and took notes, charted my timeline of LD , gave me feedback and was up-to-date on RT and all the current information on LD. Although he did mention that he has a few patients he has removed their fibromas or the whole entire facshia removed and are doing fine. This always makes me concerned when surgery is brought up, but I really wasn't there for my fibromas, the problem is more the insert of my heel. My fibromas are going to be doing good and stable. So no surgery needed. He agreed with that and wants to get me out of pain and feels the ESWT would work for me.
Any feedback on this ESWT would be great.

04/16/2017 00:19
04/16/2017 00:19
Re: Treatment For my plantar fasciitis

Maybe I was too long winded in my previous post. I am wondering if there is any experience, knowledge, opinions, on electric shock wave therapy or ESWT to treat my plantar fasciitis. I am concerned it might have an adverse effect on my plantar faschia or my fibromas, Inciting perhaps the progreesuion of LD?

04/16/2017 07:09


04/16/2017 07:09


Re: Treatment For my plantar fasciitis

Maybe I was too long winded in my previous post. I am wondering if there is any experience, knowledge, opinions, on electric shock wave therapy or ESWT to treat my plantar fasciitis. I am concerned it might have an adverse effect on my plantar faschia or my fibromas, Inciting perhaps the progreesuion of LD?
I'm not sure anyone can answer this for you in the context of the impact or affect on your LD. For sure ESWT can induce bruising and pain, and the procedure itself can be painful since you're hitting the inflamed fascia with high energy shockwaves. ESWT is used to treat other areas of the body suffering from tendinitis and there are risks of ligament or tendon rupture. The practitioner should be able to modify either the strength or length of each treatment in your case. Like most of us with DD or LD it's a judgement call on whether to have treatment for other conditions that might promote DD or LD flares or recurrrence. My own unscientific thinking would be well the inflammation and trauma is already there now from the PF, a little bit more can't be worse and I'm at the end of my tether with it, so with the help of a sympathetic practitioner give it a go; easy for me to think or say as I'm not in your position. I think I previously mentioned I had PF for over 18 months, there was no quick fix, but I did NOT go for ESWT as I could cope with managing the condition and pain through conservative treatments. Best wishes.

04/16/2017 07:10


04/16/2017 07:10


Re: Treatment For my plantar fasciitis

Did you have a look at http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr..._research.html? There is not much evidence for a positive effect of shock waves on Ledderhose and there is even less info available on side effects. You would have to try it yourself and see whether it does you any good (or bad).


04/16/2017 13:24
04/16/2017 13:24
Re: Treatment For my plantar fasciitis

Thanks for both of your inputs. It is low ESWT not high intensity. I have such mixed feelings about this. My plantar fascia is so painful that I really can't stand or walk only a matter of minutes before I'm in pain. I am going to see my RO this Wednesday and speak to him about his feelings on it. Maybe he'll want to handle my inflammation in a different way.

04/16/2017 18:19
04/16/2017 18:19
Re: Treatment For my plantar fasciitis

SB, did having planter fasciitis for so long affect your LD? Did you grow nodules from your bout with plantar fasciitis? I think I am in fear of the Plantar Fasciitis causing progression and feel I need to get a handle on it. I have been icing 3 times a day since RT and have been not exercising since my RT for fear of causing issues and now this. I am frustrated that I cannot walk and my quality of life isn't what it used to be. When I am not working I am icing or have my feet up. I am very limited.
Sorry for the vent, feeling pretty down about my situation.

recurrrence   practitioner   concerned   suggested   electric   sympathetic   unscientific   treatments   inflammation   experience   podiatrist   conservative   compression   progreesuion   fibromas   fasciitis   Treatment   plantar   information   dupuytren-online