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Update and I am on a mission...
08/15/2012 07:53
08/15/2012 07:53

Update and I am on a mission...

Hi all!

I havent been around for a while... had some setbacks... my private health insurance here in germany declined my radiation treatment for 2 years as a pre-existing condition which sucked, then I was assaulted by a drunk tourist who stomped on my bad foot, and it seems to have put my ledderhose into accelerated grow mode. Lots of pain in that foot now, especially if I havent been on it for a while. IE, first thing in the am, or if I have been sitting. I hate being in this much pain. Am I the only one who wants to cut her own feet off? Why did I have to get this in both feet?

Anyway, what brought be back to the forum was some even worse news. I have talked before on this forum about loving crocs, and the RX Silver fox shoe. These are my beloved 'cripple' shoes (for when I am crippled!). Crocs have given me a new lease on walking life, especially this one. I know some people have trouble with the little 'nubs' but not all the shoes have them as high as others.

But now it looks like crocs are discontinuing them! OH NOES! And it has put me on a bit of a mission. Cute shoes for us! I cant be the only woman who doesnt want to look like she has granny shoes on. (no offense to any grannies on the forum!) And there have to be other people with similar foot nasties who have similar needs for shoes... like diabetics... so we have to be a market of some sort... if a small one.

If anyone else knows and loves these shoes, or would like to write crocs, please do! we can be small but vocal.

This is the letter I sent them!


I live in Germany, but my family is in Canada and I have friends in the US, so my ability to get crocs around the world is pretty good.

But I have a problem! :( I am a 36 year old woman cursed with Ledderhose disease (tumur things growing in my feet. Very painful!) I have gone from cute high heel girl to a woman with 12 pairs of crocs to her name. Your shoes are the absolute best to wear! YOU, by crocs, has even given me some ability to feel a bit sexy in shoes again, if for short periods of time.

But the absolute best crocs for me, BAR NONE, when I am having a seriously bad foot day, are the Rx Medical Silver Fox.

They are my beloved cripple shoes (for when I am crippled. Not very PC, I know... but as the cripple in question, I think I can say that! :D ) and I have worn them to absolute death.

I just looked on your website, here in the US and in Canada, and... much to my shock and ever mounting anxiety, they are no longer available.

The best thing about the Rx Medical Silver Fox, was that they didnt look like a medical (dare I say, cripple) shoe. The absolutely only bad thing I can say about them was that they didnt come in blue! :)

Please tell me that this isnt a permanent discontinue! Or that you are designing cute, new RX (cripple!) shoes! I would start a movement, if I could! I cannot be the only younger woman (who happens to be a walking tour guide by profession, which makes good shoes REALLY important!) who wants/needs pretty/cute medical shoes. I don't want to look like I have granny's shoes on.

Please, Please, Please, Crocs! Please tell me that if you are discontinuing these shoes, that something even better is coming to replace them! (in Cerulean!!) If it is a case of letter writing, I will write letters! I will make facebook pages... Tell me what I can do to convince crocs not to remove these shoes, or to make something new and similar?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this long and somewhat pathetically pleading missive,
My name
Canadian in Germany.

08/16/2012 21:09
08/16/2012 21:09
Re: Update and I am on a mission...

Hi, zobirdie~
This is my very first post (DD just diagnosed) so I hope I don't screw it up! But I did read your "missive" and I
do feel your pain! I'm not sure if these are the Crocs you're looking for, but I found some US websites that look as if they may still have them in their stock. Following is the link:


Also, I stumbled across some possible "good news" that might make it possible to augment your "cripple" shoe supply. Although the RX Medical Silver Fox is not offered on the Crocs website, under the Medical Collection you'll find "Medical Silver Shoe Insoles", which are very highly rated. To quote one 5-star reviewer, "Buy the size that is the same as your shoe size. If you find a pair of shoes Crocs makes that fits you best, please buy several. Crocs is always stopping production on an item. This shoe may be the one that makes the difference in your daily life. I have been through 4 pair of these insoles, they are worth every penny." Although the name might suggest a connection to your beloved "Silver Fox", that idea is not mentioned in the description. The URL is as follows:


Hope this helps, zobirdie. Even though I don't have Ledderhose (yet?), I had to change to the granny type shoes (no offense intended-I'm a granny myself!) several years ago because of bunions, plantar something-or-other, sprained ankle, and fallen arches. It's been quite a challenge to find a comfortable shoe style I can live with. But I just figure the granny shoes complement my granny panties and granny body! I also make it a point to dress them up with the most outlandishly tasteful knee socks I can find. Fashion Patrol be damned!

One more thing - if you have any difficulty purchasing from a US website, I'll be more than happy to order them and then send them to you in Germany. Just let me know.

Good luck in your quest! Linda/mmeduchatelet

pre-existing   outlandishly   discontinue   mmeduchatelet   pathetically   description   accelerated   cgid=crocs-rx   ledderhose   something-or-other   discontinuing   absolutely   comfortable   cripple   aG8&qscrl=1   Medical   profession   especially   difficulty   crocs-silver-insole