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Verapamil cream 101 please
08/25/2022 14:13
08/25/2022 14:13
Verapamil cream 101 please

Hello all,

I have had dupuytrens for 15+ years and Ledderhose for probably about ten years although I only found out about eight years ago. Both my cases are mild thankfully.

I would like to start using Verapamil cream but know almost nothing about it. Do I need a prescription in Canada?Are there different strengths? I read somewhere that many small applications is better than one large application once a day, true?

Please educate me and be gentle.

My thoughts are with everyone battling these diseases.


08/25/2022 14:56


08/25/2022 14:56


Re: Verapamil cream 101 please

Hello all,

I have had dupuytrens for 15+ years and Ledderhose for probably about ten years although I only found out about eight years ago. Both my cases are mild thankfully.

I would like to start using Verapamil cream but know almost nothing about it. Do I need a prescription in Canada?Are there different strengths? I read somewhere that many small applications is better than one large application once a day, true?

Please educate me and be gentle.

My thoughts are with everyone battling these diseases.

Hi Mike

Verapamil is a potent drug not made to treat DD or LD, but is sometimes used as a cream or gel for Peyronies. Even so it gains a lot of traction on FB where it is recommended by some doctors and some online 'laboratories' as a treatment usually for LD in the form of a pharmacist compounded cream\gel. The usual difficulty is finding a pharmacist to compound the ointment such that there is some good prospect of penetration through the skin. The results reported on FB and on some threads here and on our patient survey are mixed. Some say it helps a lot, others spend a lot of money and report no effect other than on the bank balance. As I say it is discussed a lot on Dr Davis' FB group.

So, you probably will need a prescription, and to find a pharmacist who will make up the ointment with ingredients suitable for penetrating topical application.

Best wishes SB

08/28/2022 18:03
08/28/2022 18:03
Re: Verapamil cream 101 please

So what order of magnitude of money are we taking about? $100 a month, $200, ????? (or 100 euros, .....)

Please state currency so I have an idea of what I am looking at here.


08/28/2022 20:01


08/28/2022 20:01


Re: Verapamil cream 101 please

So what order of magnitude of money are we taking about? $100 a month, $200, ????? (or 100 euros, .....)

Please state currency so I have an idea of what I am looking at here.

People on FB talk about it having to be applied twice daily, for 6-9 months to see if there is any improvement, and since a tube costs $30 or so over 9 months you're looking at $700+. Double if it's both feet. Not sure about the prescription cost. Best wishes SB

08/28/2022 20:47
08/28/2022 20:47
Re: Verapamil cream 101 please

Thank-you! That gives me order of magnitude cost and is exactly what I need to know.

I really appreciate your fast response.

Best wishes,

improvement   Ledderhose   thankfully   different   application   laboratories   MikeNinerSeven   probably   penetration   pharmacist   prescription   applications   recommended   penetrating   magnitude   Verapamil   strengths   somewhere   dupuytrens   ingredients